
EIDORS: Electrical Impedance Tomography and Diffuse Optical Tomography Reconstruction Software

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Samples for the EIDORS Workshop

To run tutorials, you need to download and install EIDORS and then run this command in a matlab (or octave) session.
>>run /path/to/eidors3d/startup.m

EIDORS Workshop @ EIT 2017 Conf

  1. Create a directory tutorial
  2. Download eidors-v3.9-ng.zip and unzip into the directory
  3. Start Matlab
  4. In matlab, do
    • cd H:/path/to/tutorial/eidors-v3.9
    • startup
    • compare_2d_algs(1) %(this tests if eidors is working)
    • show_fem(ng_mk_cyl_models(3,[0],[])) %(this tests if netgen is working)
Challenge problem:
  1. Create a 3D elliptical cylinder with 16 circular electrodes (see here)
    fmdl= ng_mk_ellip_models([1,1.2,0.8],[16,0.5],[0.1]); show_fem(fmdl);
  2. Put a ball into the elliptical cylinder
    extra={'ball','solid ball = sphere(0.5,0.5,0.5;0.1);'};
    fmdl= ng_mk_ellip_models([1,1.2,0.8],[16,0.5],[0.1],extra);
  3. Put two balls into the elliptical cylinder
    extra={'ball','solid ball = sphere(0.5,0.5,0.5;0.1) or sphere(0.5,-0.5,0.5;0.1);'};
    fmdl= ng_mk_ellip_models([1,1.2,0.8],[16,0.5],[0.1],extra);
  4. Set the model to use adjacent current patterns
    stim = mk_stim_patterns(16,1,[0,1],[0,1],{}); fmdl.stimulation = stim;
  5. Simulate homogeneous voltages (background conductivity = 0.5);
    img = mk_image(fmdl, 0.5); vh = fwd_solve(img);
  6. Simulate inhomogeneous voltages (ball conductivity = 1.0). Add noise.
    img.elem_data(fmdl.mat_idx{2})= 1.0; vi = fwd_solve(img); vi = add_noise(0.5, vi, vh);
  7. Reconstruct the image using a GN solver
    imdl= mk_common_model('b2c2',16); imdl.stimulation = stim; imdl= select_imdl(imdl,{'Basic GN dif'}); img= inv_solve(imdl,vh,vi);
  8. Reconstruct with a different hyperparameter (lower resolution)
    imdl.hyperparameter.value = .3; img= inv_solve(imdl,vh,vi);
  9. Reconstruct the image using GREIT (see here)
    opt.noise_figure = 0.5;
    fmdl.normalize_measurements = 0;
    imdl = mk_GREIT_model(mk_image(fmdl,0.5), 0.25, [], opt);
    img= inv_solve(imdl,vh,vi);
  10. Compare images for skip 4 stimulation/measurement pattern (see here)

EIDORS Workshop

  • Introduction


      • Downloading and Installing EIDORS and Netgen
      • Test that EIDORS is working
      • EIDORS data structures
        • fwd_model
        • inv_model
        • rec_model
        • data
        • image
      • EIDORS functions overview
      • Documentation
        solvers forward and inverse solverse
        meshing Interface to FEM libraries: Netgen / GMSH / distmesh
        models FEM modelling tools
        external Read write external file formats
        graphics Graphics / Display functions

        algorithms Algorithms to process EIT images (time series)
        sample_data Some sample data (deprecated, now use data_contrib)
        examples Examples (deprecated, now use tutorials)
        tools low level EIDORS tools
        tests Tests for debugging (deprecated, now in UNIT_TEST
        arch Mex files and architecture specific code
        compatibility Compatibility with older matlab versions
        deprecated Older, deprecated EIDORS files
        overloads Override matlab functions to give extra features
      • Contributed Data
      • Defaults
      • Caching
        fmdl= ng_mk_cyl_models(1,[16,.5],0.1)
        fmdl.stimulation = mk_stim_patterns(16,1,[0,1],[0,1],{},1);
        img = mk_image( fmdl, 1);
        vh = fwd_solve(img);
      • Challenge Questions:
        • What data are from a cute baby on EIDORS? load and display these data
        • What is the speedup for larger FEM models?
        • Look at inv_solve_diff_GN_one_step - what part is cached?
      • "EIDORS basics" tutorials

    • Forward Models

      • Finite Element Models (FEMs)
      • EIDORS FEM structure
        >> fmdl= ng_mk_cyl_models(1,[16,.5],0.1);
        >> fmdl.stimulation = mk_stim_patterns(16,1,[0,1],[0,1],{},1) 
        fmdl =
                             nodes: [1958x3 double]
                             elems: [7849x4 double]
                          boundary: [2326x3 double]
                  boundary_numbers: [2326x1 double]
                          gnd_node: 350
                      np_fwd_solve: [1x1 struct]
                              name: 'ng'
                         electrode: [1x16 struct]
                             solve: 'eidors_default'
                          jacobian: 'eidors_default'
                        system_mat: 'eidors_default'
                              type: 'fwd_model'
                           mat_idx: {[7849x1 double]}
            normalize_measurements: 0
                       stimulation: [1x16 struct]
        >> fmdl.stimulation(1)
        ans = 
             stimulation: 'Amp'
            stim_pattern: [16x1 double]
            meas_pattern: [13x16 double]
        >> fmdl.electrode(1)
        ans = 
            nodes: [114 115 116 117 118 119 415]
            z_contact: 0.0100
      • Use shape_library to obtain a human thorax contour
        shape = shape_library('get', 'adult_male','boundary');
      • make a 2d model with 16 electrodes (width 0.1) with electrode 1 on the sternum (remember the shape must be counter-clockwise)
        fmdl = ng_mk_2d_model({flipud(shape),0.1},[16 -.17],[0.1 20]); show_fem(fmdl)
      • make a similar 3d model
        fmdl = ng_mk_extruded_model({1, shape, [4,49]},[16,1,0.5],[0.05 0 -1 0 60]); show_fem(fmdl)
      • add contrast using elem_select
      • solve for internal voltages
      • visualize using calc_slices
      • visualize using show_3d_slices
      • calculate current
      • calculate Jacobian
      • visualize Jacobian
      • change current pattern to N/2-1
      • compare Jacobian
      • (FEM generation 2D and 3D, Netgen, sensitivity, voltage and current distributions, stimulation patterns )
      • Challenge Questions:
        • Compare the sensitivity for a slice of a 3D vs 2D tank. Why are they different?
        • Create images of current flow in the thorax with various values for lung conductivity. How do they vary?
      • Further Tutorials on Forward Modelling

    • Reconstructions

    • GREIT

      • String interface
      • Custom model (for a 2 ring cyl)
      • Use ng_write_opt to increase minimum elem size and build a coarse pig model
      • imdl1 = mk_GREIT_model (fmdl)
      • Set the lungs to have 0.3 conductivity
      • vh =
      • vi =
      • compare reconstructions
      • ( GREIT algorithm, adapting shape, background conductivity, working with sample data )
      • Further Tutorials on GREIT

    • Live data

    • Assorted Tutorials on specific applications of EIT

Last Modified: $Date: 2017-06-21 08:59:21 -0400 (Wed, 21 Jun 2017) $ by $Author: aadler $