These are recent events I helped organize, and upcoming ones. The shots below are from the OOPSLA 2007 Workshop on Integration of Open Source Components into Large Software Systems.


Workshop on Open Source Best Practices (WOSBP), MCeTech 2008

The commercial use of open source is hindered by many factors. These include a lack of integration with traditional requirements-driven product development approaches, licensing issues, a clash with existing corporate culture, and the perception that in order to benefit from open source you need to open your source to the outside world. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practioners with experience in open source adoption and value creation from open source, and to document the best practices. 4-page position papers are due December 19, 2007, to be submitted to Michael Weiss ( and Tony Bailetti ( Notifications of acceptance will be sent January 7th, and final versions expected January 18th. Potential participants interested in attending-- but not presenting-- are also welcome, and should contact us.

Workshop on Integration of Open Source Components into Large Software Systems (WIOSC), OOPSLA 2007

Developing large software systems has largely become an exercise in integration. About 85% of code that goes into the software of a typical system is written by others, and the main role of businesses is to write the "glue" that holds the externally developed components together. While in the past, businesses were largely concerned with the integration of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components, many of these components will now come as free/open source software (F/OSS) components. The use of open source components provides new strategic options for reducing the exposure to risk and cost of development, while significantly increasing the available solutions. Models for the integration of COTS components do not necessarily apply to open source components. A particular focus in this workshop will be on the shift away from COTS to F/OSS components, and what new opportunities and issues are introduced by it.

Focus Group on Pattern Repositories, EuroPLoP 2007

How do you find a pattern?

  1. Flip through the patterns books on your shelf.
  2. Google.
  3. Don't bother and stick with what you know.
  4. Search a Pattern Repository.
In this focus group, we will explore the issues of making a pattern repository work well. Some of the questions for which we hope to get answers are how do you organize and search pattern repositories, how do you integrate them with your existing development process, and how do you create a community of users around a repository.