Peter X. Liu, PhD, Peng

Professor and Canada Research Professor

Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering (FCAE)

Fellow of IEEE

Fellow of Engineering Institute of Canada (FEIC)

Editor in Chief, Int J. Robotics and Automation



Office:   Room 4488, Mackenzie Building
Email:   xpliu at sce dot carleton dot ca
Phone:   (613) 520-2600 ext. 1774
Fax:       (613) 520-5727

Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
1125 Colonel By Drive
Carleton University
Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6

  [News] [Research Interests] [Professional Activities] [Research Labs] [Publications] [Teaching]



Several positions with full research assistantship for excellent postdoctoral

 researchers, and Ph.D. and MASc. students are available now !

 Research Interests

I am interested in scientific and theoretical research leading to scholarly publications on the following topics:

·         Teleoperation, telehaptics, haptic control, human haptics, haptic modelling and haptic interfaces 

·         Soft tissue modeling, cutting simulation, bleeding simulation and surgery simulations

·         Control theory and systems

 Professional Activities

·         Editor in Chief, Int J. Robotics and Automation

·         Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement

·         Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics

·         Associate Editor, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics

·         Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering

·         Associate Editor, IEEE/CCA Journal of Automatica Sinia

·         Associate Editor, IEEE Access

·         Associate Editor, International Journal of Robotics and Automation

·         Associate Editor, Control and Intelligent Systems

·         Founder and Leading Co-Chair, IEEE Technical Committee on Interactive and Wearable Computing and


Research Lab

Room 7033, Minto Case Building

1125 Colonel By Drive

Carleton University

Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6


Tel: 1(613)520-2600 ext. 2971 


·         List of Publications


·         SYSC3501 Communication Theory

·         ECOR 2606 Numerical Methods

·         BIOM5402/SYSC5303 Interactive Networked Systems and Telemedicine

·         SYSC4005/5001 Simulation and Modeling

·         SYSC3500 Signals and Systems