

NG_WRITE_OPT Write an ng.opt file in current directory


function opt = ng_write_opt(varargin)


NG_WRITE_OPT Write an ng.opt file in current directory
  NG_WRITE_OPT, without inputs, creates a default ng.opt

  NG_WRITE_OPT(OPTSTRUCT) creates uses options as specified in OPTSTRUCT

  NG_WRITE_OPT(PATH) copies the file specified in PATH as ng.opt to the
  current directory.

  NG_WRITE_OPT('sec.option',val,...) offers an alternative interface to
  modify specific options

  OPTSTRUCT = NG_WRITE_OPT(...) returns a struct with the options.
  No file is written.
  Note: some options only take effect when meshoptions.fineness is 6

  BEWARE: NG_WRITE_OPT will overwrite any existing ng.opt file in the current
  delete('ng.opt'); % clean up

  Caveat: Currently it seems that Netgen on Windows ignores the ng.opt

  See also CALL_NETGEN


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function opt = ng_write_opt(varargin)
0002 %NG_WRITE_OPT Write an ng.opt file in current directory
0003 %  NG_WRITE_OPT, without inputs, creates a default ng.opt
0004 %
0005 %  NG_WRITE_OPT(OPTSTRUCT) creates uses options as specified in OPTSTRUCT
0006 %
0007 %  NG_WRITE_OPT(PATH) copies the file specified in PATH as ng.opt to the
0008 %  current directory.
0009 %
0010 %  NG_WRITE_OPT('sec.option',val,...) offers an alternative interface to
0011 %  modify specific options
0012 %
0013 %  OPTSTRUCT = NG_WRITE_OPT(...) returns a struct with the options.
0014 %  No file is written.
0015 %
0016 %  Note: some options only take effect when meshoptions.fineness is 6
0017 %  (custom).
0018 %
0019 %  BEWARE: NG_WRITE_OPT will overwrite any existing ng.opt file in the current
0020 %  directory.
0021 %
0022 %  Example:
0023 %  ng_write_opt('meshoptions.fineness',6,'options.minmeshsize',20);
0024 %  call_netgen(...)
0025 %  delete('ng.opt'); % clean up
0026 %
0027 %  Caveat: Currently it seems that Netgen on Windows ignores the ng.opt
0028 %  file
0029 %
0030 %  See also CALL_NETGEN
0032 % (C) 2012 Bartlomiej Grychtol. License: GPL version 2 or version 3
0033 % $Id: ng_write_opt.m 4946 2015-05-09 11:28:19Z aadler $
0035 %TODO:
0036 % 1. Check which options require meshoptions.fineness = 6 and enforce it
0038 % if input is 'UNIT_TEST', run tests
0039 if nargin == 1 && ischar(varargin{1}) && strcmp(varargin{1},'UNIT_TEST') 
0040    do_unit_test; return; end
0042 if nargin == 1 && ischar(varargin{1}) % a path
0043    copyfile(varargin{1},'ng.opt');
0044    return
0045 end
0046 % get default options
0047 opt = default_opt;
0048 if nargin == 0
0049     usr = struct;
0050 end
0051 % modify as per user input
0052 if nargin == 1 && isstruct(varargin{1})
0053    usr = varargin{1};
0054 end
0055 if nargin > 1 % string value pairs
0056    usr = process_input(varargin{:}); 
0057 end
0058 opt = copy_field(opt,usr);
0060 if nargout == 1 % do not write a file if output was requested
0061    return
0062 end
0064 % write the file
0065 write_ng_file(opt);
0067 function opt = process_input(varargin)
0068 if mod(nargin,2)~=0
0069    error('EIDORS:WrongInput','Even number of inputs expected');
0070 end
0071 for i = 1:nargin/2
0072    idx = (i-1)*2 +1;
0073    val = varargin{idx+1};
0074    eval(sprintf('opt.%s = val;',varargin{idx}));
0075 end
0078 % copy all fields from usr to opt
0079 % check that the fields exist in opt
0080 function opt = copy_field(opt,usr)
0081 optnms = fieldnames(opt);
0082 usrnms = fieldnames(usr);
0083 for i = 1:length(usrnms)
0084    % check if field exist
0085    if ~ismember(usrnms{i},optnms)
0086      error('Unsupported option %s',usrnms{i});
0087    end
0088    if isstruct(usr.(usrnms{i})) % recurse
0089       opt.(usrnms{i}) = copy_field(opt.(usrnms{i}), usr.(usrnms{i}) );
0090    else
0091       opt.(usrnms{i}) = usr.(usrnms{i});
0092    end
0093 end
0096 % write the ng.opt file
0097 function write_ng_file(opt)
0098 fid = fopen('ng.opt','w');
0099 flds = fieldnames(opt);
0100 write_field(fid,opt,[]);
0101 fclose(fid);
0104 % recurses over fields and prints to file
0105 function write_field(fid,s,str)
0106 if isstruct(s)
0107    if ~isempty(str)
0108       str = [str '.'];
0109    end
0110    flds = fieldnames(s);
0111    for i = 1:length(flds)
0112       write_field(fid,s.(flds{i}),[str flds{i}]);
0113    end
0114 elseif ischar(s)
0115    fprintf(fid,'%s  %s\n', str, s);
0116 elseif round(s) == s
0117    fprintf(fid,'%s  %d\n', str, s);
0118 else
0119    fprintf(fid,'%s  %f\n', str, s);
0120 end
0123 function opt = default_opt
0124 opt.dirname = '.';
0125 opt.loadgeomtypevar = '"All Geometry types (*.stl,*.stlb,*.step,*.stp,...)"';
0126 opt.exportfiletype = '"Neutral Format"';
0127 opt.meshoptions.fineness = 3;
0128 opt.meshoptions.firststep = 'ag';
0129 opt.meshoptions.laststep = 'ov';
0130 opt.options.localh = 1;
0131 opt.options.delaunay = 1;
0132 opt.options.checkoverlap = 1;
0133 opt.options.checkchartboundary = 1;
0134 opt.options.startinsurface = 0;
0135 opt.options.blockfill = 1;
0136 opt.options.debugmode = 0;
0137 opt.options.dooptimize = 1;
0138 opt.options.parthread = 1;
0139 opt.options.elsizeweight = 0.2;
0140 opt.options.secondorder = 0;
0141 opt.options.elementorder = 1;
0142 opt.options.quad = 0;
0143 opt.options.inverttets = 0;
0144 opt.options.inverttrigs = 0;
0145 opt.options.autozrefine = 0;
0146 opt.options.meshsize = 1000;
0147 opt.options.minmeshsize = 0;
0148 opt.options.curvaturesafety = 0.2;
0149 opt.options.segmentsperedge = 1;
0150 opt.options.meshsizefilename = '';
0151 opt.options.badellimit = 175;
0152 opt.options.optsteps2d = 3;
0153 opt.options.optsteps3d = 5;
0154 opt.options.opterrpow = 2;
0155 opt.options.grading = 0.3;
0156 opt.options.printmsg = 2;
0157 opt.geooptions.drawcsg = 1;
0158 opt.geooptions.detail = 0.001;
0159 opt.geooptions.accuracy = 1e-6;
0160 opt.geooptions.facets = 20;
0161 opt.geooptions.minx = -1000;
0162 opt.geooptions.miny = -1000;
0163 opt.geooptions.minz = -1000;
0164 opt.geooptions.maxx = 1000;
0165 opt.geooptions.maxy = 1000;
0166 opt.geooptions.maxz = 1000;
0167 opt.viewoptions.specpointvlen = 0.3;
0168 opt.viewoptions.light.amb = 0.3;
0169 opt.viewoptions.light.diff = 0.7;
0170 opt.viewoptions.light.spec = 1;
0171 opt.viewoptions.light.locviewer = 0;
0172 opt.viewoptions.mat.shininess = 50;
0173 opt.viewoptions.mat.transp = 0.3;
0174 opt.viewoptions.colormeshsize = 0;
0175 opt.viewoptions.whitebackground = 1;
0176 opt.viewoptions.drawcolorbar = 1;
0177 opt.viewoptions.drawcoordinatecross = 1;
0178 opt.viewoptions.drawnetgenlogo = 1;
0179 opt.viewoptions.stereo = 0;
0180 opt.viewoptions.drawfilledtrigs = 1;
0181 opt.viewoptions.drawedges = 0;
0182 opt.viewoptions.drawbadels = 0;
0183 opt.viewoptions.centerpoint = 0;
0184 opt.viewoptions.drawelement = 0;
0185 opt.viewoptions.drawoutline = 1;
0186 opt.viewoptions.drawtets = 0;
0187 opt.viewoptions.drawprisms = 0;
0188 opt.viewoptions.drawpyramids = 0;
0189 opt.viewoptions.drawhexes = 0;
0190 opt.viewoptions.drawidentified = 0;
0191 opt.viewoptions.drawpointnumbers = 0;
0192 opt.viewoptions.drawededges = 1;
0193 opt.viewoptions.drawedpoints = 1;
0194 opt.viewoptions.drawedpointnrs = 0;
0195 opt.viewoptions.drawedtangents = 0;
0196 opt.viewoptions.shrink = 1;
0197 opt.stloptions.showtrias = 0;
0198 opt.stloptions.showfilledtrias = 1;
0199 opt.stloptions.showedges = 1;
0200 opt.stloptions.showmarktrias = 0;
0201 opt.stloptions.showactivechart = 0;
0202 opt.stloptions.yangle = 10;
0203 opt.stloptions.contyangle = 20;
0204 opt.stloptions.edgecornerangle = 0;
0205 opt.stloptions.chartangle = 0;
0206 opt.stloptions.outerchartangle = 120;
0207 opt.stloptions.usesearchtree = 0;
0208 opt.stloptions.chartnumber = 1;
0209 opt.stloptions.charttrignumber = 1;
0210 opt.stloptions.chartnumberoffset = 0;
0211 opt.stloptions.atlasminh = 0.1;
0212 opt.stloptions.resthsurfcurvfac = 1;
0213 opt.stloptions.resthsurfcurvenable = 0;
0214 opt.stloptions.resthatlasfac = 2;
0215 opt.stloptions.resthatlasenable = 1;
0216 opt.stloptions.resthchartdistfac = 1.5;
0217 opt.stloptions.resthchartdistenable = 0;
0218 opt.stloptions.resthlinelengthfac = 0.5;
0219 opt.stloptions.resthlinelengthenable = 1;
0220 opt.stloptions.resthcloseedgefac = 2;
0221 opt.stloptions.resthcloseedgeenable = 1;
0222 opt.stloptions.resthedgeanglefac = 1;
0223 opt.stloptions.resthedgeangleenable = 0;
0224 opt.stloptions.resthsurfmeshcurvfac = 2;
0225 opt.stloptions.resthsurfmeshcurvenable = 0;
0226 opt.stloptions.recalchopt = 1;
0227 opt.visoptions.subdivisions = 1;
0230 function do_unit_test
0231 opt.meshoptions.fineness = 6;
0232 ng_write_opt(opt);
0233 fid = fopen('ng.opt','r'); str= fread(fid,[1,inf],'uint8=>char'); fclose(fid);
0234 unit_test_cmp('fineness=6',isempty( ...
0235     strfind(str, 'meshoptions.fineness  6')), 0);
0237 ng_write_opt('meshoptions.fineness',4,'meshoptions.firststep','aaa');
0238 fid = fopen('ng.opt','r'); str= fread(fid,[1,inf],'uint8=>char'); fclose(fid);
0239 unit_test_cmp('firststep=aaa',isempty( ...
0240     strfind(str, 'meshoptions.firststep  aaa')), 0);
0242 % the last one will not be written since output was requested
0243 opt = ng_write_opt('meshoptions.fineness',4,'meshoptions.firststep','bbb');
0244 fid = fopen('ng.opt','r'); str= fread(fid,[1,inf],'uint8=>char'); fclose(fid);
0245 unit_test_cmp('firststep=bbb',isempty( ...
0246     strfind(str, 'meshoptions.firststep  bbb')), 1);

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