Contributed EIT Data:

Authors: GK Wolf, C Gómez-Laberge, JN Kheir, D Zurakowski, BK Walsh, A Adler, JH Arnold
Date: 2009 (data collection)
Brief Description: EIT data were collected at Children's Hospital Boston in 2009 during a stepwise lung recruitment manoeuver and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) titration of a patient with the acute respiratory distress syndrome as part of a clinical study ( identifier NCT00830284). Directory structure is used by the accompanying software to recognize study codes, subject numbers, study dates, and EIT hardware. Filenames end with 'b' for baseline, 'c1'-'c4' for lung recruitment, and 'd1-d5' for PEEP titration.

Data were published in the following two papers:

License: Creative Commons Artistic License (with Attribution)
Attribution Requirement: Use or presentation of these data must acknowledge the authors and cite these two publications:
  • C Gómez-Laberge, JH Arnold, GK Wolf. A Unified Approach for EIT Imaging of Regional Overdistension and Atelectasis in Acute Lung Injury IEEE Trans Med Imag, In Press 2012
  • GK Wolf, C Gómez-Laberge, JN Kheir, D Zurakowski, BK Walsh, A Adler, JH Arnold. Reversal of Dependent Lung Collapse Predicts Response to Lung Recruitment in Children with Early Acute Lung Injury Pediatr Crit Care Med, In Press 2012

Format: Data were acquired with the Goe-MF II (CareFusion, San Diego, CA) EIT system, using 16 electrodes with adjacent current stimulation and measurement. Electrodes were placed equidistantly around the thorax at the level of the parasternal 6th intercostal space. Electrode #1 was placed on the sternum and subsequent electrodes (#2, #3, ...) were placed sequentially starting to the patient left of electrode #1.
Methods: Detailed methods are described in the referenced papers. The following figure illustrates the experimental protocol. (Source: C Gómez-Laberge, et al, 2012)

Data: Data for two patients and analysis software are contributed:
  • Patient #1: Data (zip format)
    The patient details are as follows: Gender: F, Age: 5.9 years, Weight: 20kg, Condition: Primary ARDS triggered by parainfluenza pneumonia.
    File details:
            FILENAME                                       cmH2O        cmH2O
    STUDYNAME/SUBJECT_1/YYYYMMDD/Eit/Viasys/1001_b.get    PEEP=14   (PPlat−PEEP) =5 
    STUDYNAME/SUBJECT_1/YYYYMMDD/Eit/Viasys/1001_c1.get   PEEP=15   (PPlat−PEEP) =15
    STUDYNAME/SUBJECT_1/YYYYMMDD/Eit/Viasys/1001_c2.get   PEEP=20   (PPlat−PEEP) =15
    STUDYNAME/SUBJECT_1/YYYYMMDD/Eit/Viasys/1001_c3.get   PEEP=25   (PPlat−PEEP) =15
    STUDYNAME/SUBJECT_1/YYYYMMDD/Eit/Viasys/1001_c4.get   PEEP=30   (PPlat−PEEP) =15
    STUDYNAME/SUBJECT_1/YYYYMMDD/Eit/Viasys/1001_d1.get   PEEP=20   (PPlat−PEEP) =6
    STUDYNAME/SUBJECT_1/YYYYMMDD/Eit/Viasys/1001_d2.get   PEEP=18   (PPlat−PEEP) =6
    STUDYNAME/SUBJECT_1/YYYYMMDD/Eit/Viasys/1001_d3.get   PEEP=16   (PPlat−PEEP) =5
    STUDYNAME/SUBJECT_1/YYYYMMDD/Eit/Viasys/1001_d4.get   PEEP=14   (PPlat−PEEP) =4
  • Patient #7: Data (zip format)
    The patient details are as follows: Gender: F, Age: 13.9 years, Weight: 76kg, Condition: patient on ECMO suffering from secondary ARDS due to sepsis.
    File details:
            FILENAME                                       cmH2O        cmH2O
    STUDYNAME/SUBJECT_7/YYYYMMDD/Eit/Viasys/1007_b2.get   PEEP=22   (PPlat−PEEP) =16
    STUDYNAME/SUBJECT_7/YYYYMMDD/Eit/Viasys/1007_c1.get   PEEP=15   (PPlat−PEEP) =15
    STUDYNAME/SUBJECT_7/YYYYMMDD/Eit/Viasys/1007_c2.get   PEEP=20   (PPlat−PEEP) =15
    STUDYNAME/SUBJECT_7/YYYYMMDD/Eit/Viasys/1007_c3.get   PEEP=25   (PPlat−PEEP) =15
    STUDYNAME/SUBJECT_7/YYYYMMDD/Eit/Viasys/1007_c4.get   PEEP=30   (PPlat−PEEP) =15
    STUDYNAME/SUBJECT_7/YYYYMMDD/Eit/Viasys/1007_d1.get   PEEP=20   (PPlat−PEEP) =17
    STUDYNAME/SUBJECT_7/YYYYMMDD/Eit/Viasys/1007_d2.get   PEEP=18   (PPlat−PEEP) =15
  • Analysis software (m files in zip format)

Images: See the Tutorial example using these data

Last Modified: $Date: 2017-02-28 13:12:08 -0500 (Tue, 28 Feb 2017) $ by $Author: aadler $