Using DOS Batch Files to Run Experiments on Windows

When developing research code, one often wants to run test their experimental code on a series of problems, without necessarily building a full-fledged interactive interface. Especially for those familiar with Linux or Unix, script files seem like a natural solution for automating test runs, as performance of the test script is generally far less important than the test themselves. As I'm doing my thesis work in Windows, I delved into the world of .bat files to perform this scripting. I discovered that batch files are both more and less powerful than I expected, and have some weird quirks. This is a hopefully useful catalog of my findings. And before you ask, yes, I am aware of Cygwin, and use it for some tasks as well, but the native scripting interface is easier to work with in many cases.

The Basics

First off, you'll need to create a batch file with the extension .bat. I gave mine the rather uninspired namescript.bat. You can run this file either by double-clicking it in Windows Explorer, or by typing script at the command line in the directory in which it is stored. The second is often desirable when you're debugging, as the command window will automatically disappear when the batch file exits if you run it from Explorer, taking any ouptut with it. Within the file you can place any commands that you would normally execute from the command line, essentially as you would normally use them. Read on for the exceptions.

Running a Series of Tests

If you had to type out every test individually, you probably wouldn't gain much from using a script. What you likely want to do is pass data into your code one at a time. For example, I work on problems in the AMPL modelling language, which stores individual problems in .mod files. To run my program once on every problem in a directory, I use a FOR statement like this:

FOR %%s IN (*.mod) DO thesis.exe %%s

As you might guess from the statement syntax, the %%s gets expanded into the name of each .mod file in the directory. When you run the batch file it will execute, for instance:

thesis.exe problem1.mod
thesis.exe problem2.mod
thesis.exe problem3.mod

And so on. Parsing the filename passed to your program into something useful is highly dependent on the language you use, and you'll need to work that one out yourself.

Saving the Output of Your Program to a File

If you're running a lot of tests, any output from your program will likely scroll off the top of your screen while you're off having a coffee or sleeping or any other number of useful things. If you ran the script from Windows Explorer this is even worse, as the fatal error message your program helpfully printed at 3:23 AM disappeared when the script aborted. So it's a good idea to redirect the output to a file.

The simplest way to direct output to a file is with the > filename and >> filename operators. The major difference between the two is that a single angled bracket will overwrite filename if it exists, whereas the double bracket version will append to the end of the file. If you're running a batch of tests you probably want to append to a log file, but if you reuse the same script remember to change the filename or move the original log out of the way if you want to separate your results.

Extending the example from the previous section, you can use a statement like this to capture all the output from every run of your program into one file:

FOR %%s IN (*.mod) DO thesis.exe %%s >> scriptout.txt

.txt is the standard extension for text files recognized by Windows Notepad and the like, so it's easiest to use that, although any extension will do. If you want to add some other information to the file that your program doesn't output, you can use the ECHO statement. Also useful are the date and time commands. To write the date and time at the top of your output file, you can use the following:

echo Experiment Time: >> testout.txt
date /t >> scriptout.txt
time /t >> scriptout.txt

Which will produce something like the following in scriptout.txt:

Experiment Time:
05:21 PM

Compiling Your Output Data

Probably the easiest spreadsheet readable format your program can output data to is Comma Separated Value format. Each line of the file is a row of the spreadsheet, with columns on each row separated by commas (other separators are also possible). Originally I had my program append directly to a shared results file, with each run adding a row. This was problematic for several reasons:

Instead, I opted to have each run output to its own result file, and then concatenate the individual files together using the script. This only really addresses the third point and part of the second one, but it's a start. For ease of scripting, the results for each problem1.mod file are output to a corresponding problem1.mod.csv file. Yes, Windows has sort of caught on to the multiple file extensions thing. They'll open (basically) fine in Excel or OpenOffice. To accomplish this, I use something like the following:

copy ..\results.csv .\results.csv
FOR %%s IN (*.mod) DO thesis.exe %%s
FOR %%s IN (*.mod.csv) DO copy results.csv+%%s results.csv

The first line copies a file with the headers for each column from the directory above it (..\ is the representation for going up a directory level). I keep a fresh copy there so it doesn't get clobbered. The second line you'll recognize from above, it invokes my code on each problem. Somewhere in there the results of the test get output to a .mod.csv file, which again you'll have to figure out for yourself. The last line goes through all the output result files and appends them to results.csv. Note that if you have any stray result files from previous runs in the directory they'll get appended as well, so make sure to clear those out. There may be a cleaner way to do this inside a single FOR loop, but I haven't put the effort in to figure that syntax out yet. Note that appending them results in a "unknown character" square showing up at the start of each line in Excel and Notepad, although this does not show up in OpenOffice. Haven't tracked down the culprit, but as my first column is just the model name it's easy to ignore.

Sending Yourself the Output

As alluded to above, while running these large batches of tests you probably have other things to do. Like sleeping. Especially sleeping. Which you generally do at your apartment, not your lab, so a little "ding" when your program finishes may not help you much. If you're like me what you'd really like is to get your data without having to go out in the blizzard or blazing heat or whatever Ottawa has decided to hit you with this month. The IT departments at most labs are clever enough to not let you indiscrimantely remotely access your University workstation, so other solutions are in order. One of the simplest is to just e-mail your results out as an attachment. To that end I've discovered this handy tool called Blat. The setup is not too complicated, although you may have to poke at the registry a bit to get your default server set up properly. Once that's done, you can finish off your batch file with something as simple as:

"C:\Program Files\Blat250\full\blat.exe" - -body results -subject results -to -attach results.csv

And you're done. Nothing like waking up to a steaming hot pot of results in the morning. Well, maybe.

Command Line Options

Hard coding everything into your script isn't that flexible, as you'll probably want to try your program with a series of different options. Any options you pass to the batch file are accessed using the % operator. The first option is %1, the second %2, etc. My particular program has 7 options, so my final script looks like this:

copy ..\results.csv .\results_a%1_b%2_minp%3_maxp%4_n%5_w%6_pb%7.csv

FOR %%s IN (*.mod) DO thesis.exe %%s %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 >> scriptout.txt

FOR %%s IN (*.mod.csv) DO copy results_a%1_b%2_minp%3_maxp%4_n%5_w%6_pb%7.csv+%%s results_a%1_b%2_minp%3_maxp%4_n%5_w%6_pb%7.csv

"C:\Program Files\Blat250\full\blat.exe" - -body results -subject results -to -attach results_a%1_b%2_minp%3_maxp%4_n%5_w%6_pb%7.csv

As you can see all 7 options are passed to the program, as well as being incorporated into the name of the result file for easier sorting later.

Scripting Your Script

Now that we've got all these options set up, it would be nice to run the script repeatedly with different options without having to come in and restart it manually. To do this, we'll want to write a script that calls our script. This was the major "gotcha" I encountered with batch files - if you are invoking another batch file from within a batch file, you should use the CALL statement. Otherwise the calling script will exit when the called script exits. This is obviously not what you want if you're planning on calling it several times. One of my "meta-scripts" (or script of scripts) looks like this:

call script.bat 1 0.001 0 0.75 20 50 1
call script.bat 1 0.001 0 0.75 20 50 2
call script.bat 1 0.001 0 0.75 20 50 3