Darius Saif


Deep Packet Inspection Feature Analyst in the private sector.
I am also a PhD candidate working under the supervision of Dr. Ashraf Matrawy.

More up to date details about my work can be found on my LinkedIn profile.

Carleton University
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering
Ottawa, ON

Contact Information
Email: dariussaif@sce.carleton.ca


Under Construction

PlanetLab Slice

I'll be logging my activities on this slice on a per week basis.

This slice is to be used as a test bench for research into Software Defined Networking (SDN) deployments. The proposed project involves developing applications which are run on SDN controllers in the network's control plane.
These applications will interact with Virtualized Network Function (VNFs), such as a load balancers/Intrusion Detection System, and the subsequent behaviour of the system is under examination. Such an application requires
a consistent, global view of the network's state. The goal of this project is to abstract a system model which explains the observed behavior and collect performance metrics based on this.

Pertinent tools that may be run on this slice: iPerf, Open vSwitch, Snort.