User Commands LQSIM(1) NAME lqsim - simulate layered queueing networks. SYNOPSIS lqsim [ -dMnpRvV ] [ -A run-time[,precision[,skip]] ] [ -B blocks[,run-time[,skip]] ] [ -C precision[,initial- loops[,run-time]] ] [ -e (e|i|w) ] [ -m file ] [ -H alpha ] [ -o file ] [ -P pragma ] [ -S seed ] [ -t traceopts ] [ -T run-time ] [ -z specialopts ] [ filename ... ] DESCRIPTION Lqsim is used to simulate layered queueing networks using the PARASOL simulation system. Refer to ``The Stochastic Rendezvous Network Model for Performance of Synchronous Multi-tasking Distributed Software'' for details of the model. Refer to ``SRVN Input File Format'' for a complete description of the input file format for the programs. See below for program restrictions and limits. Lqsim reads its input from filename, specified at the com- mand line if present, or from the standard input otherwise. By default, output for an input file filename specified on the command line will be placed in the file filename.out. If the -p switch is used, parseable output will also be written into filename.p. If XML input is used, results will be written back to the original input file. This behaviour can be changed using the -ooutput switch, described below. If several files are named, then each is treated as a separate model and output will be placed in separate output files. If input is from the standard input, output will be directed to the standard output. The file name `-' is used to specify standard input. The -ooutput option can be used to direct output to the file output regardless of the source of input. Output will be XML if XML input is used, parseable output if the -p switch is used, and normal output otherwise. Multiple input files cannot be specified when using this option. Output can be directed to standard output by using -o- (i.e., the output file name is `-'.) OPTIONS -d Turn on debugging output. Dump task and entry informa- tion showing internal index numbers. This option is useful for determining the names of the servers and tasks since the parasol output routines do no emit this information at present. Output is directed to stdout unless redirected using -m file. -M Do not merge the send-no-reply waiting time with the rendezvous delay in the parseable output. The default in this release is to merge the results because some SunOS 5.9 Last change: 27 June 2005 1 User Commands LQSIM(1) tools do not support the new fields. -n Read input, but do not solve. No output is generated. -p Generate parseable output suitable as input to other programs such as srvndiff and multisrvn. The parseable output is sent to an output file, one for each input file specified, determined from its corresponding input file by the addition of .p. If standard input is used as the input source, then the parseable output is out- put to the standard output device. In this case, only parseable output is emitted. If the -o output option is used, the parseable output is sent to a file whose name is derived from output by the addition of the suf- fix .p. If a suffix already exists on output then that suffix is replaced. -R Print the values of the statistical counters to the monitor file. If the -A, -B or -C option was used, the mean value, 95th and 99th percentile are reported. At present, statistics are gathered for the task cycle time, utilization, and waiting time for messages, and for entry cycle time and utilization. -v Display solution execution. For lqsim, the simulation block number and mean confidence level are displayed. -V Display version number. -A run-time[,precision[,skip]] Use automatic blocking with a simulation block size of run-time. The precision argument specifies the desired mean 95% confidence level. By default, precision is 1.0%. The simulator will stop when this value is reached, or when 30 blocks have run. Skip specifies the time value of the initial skip period. By default, its value is 0. -B blocks[,run-time[,skip]] Use manual blocking with blocks blocks. blocks must be less than or equal to 30. The run time for each block is specified with run-time. Skip specifies the time value of the initial skip period. Statistics gathered during the skip period are discarded. By default, its value is 0. When the run completes, the results reported will be the average value of the data col- lected in all of the blocks. If the -R flag is used, confidence intervals will be reported to the monitor file. -C precision[,initial-loops[,run-time]] Use automatic blocking, stopping when the specified SunOS 5.9 Last change: 27 June 2005 2 User Commands LQSIM(1) precision is met. The run time of each block is estimated, based on initial-loops running on each reference task. The default value for initial-loops is 500. The run-time argument specifies the maximum total run time. -e (a|i|w) Floating point error disposition. By default, floating point errors are ignored (-ei). Selecting -ea causes lqsim to abort on the floating point errors overflow, division by zero, or operand error (see floating_point(3)). -ew prints a warning only on floating point error (not implemented at present). -m file Direct all output generated by the various debugging and tracing options to file rather than to stdout. A filename of `-' directs output to standard output. -H alpha Activates recording of service time distributions. Bin size and histogram range is defined by three parameters which are: - entry service time which defines the middle point of the histogram range - max service time which is overloaded to mean the dis- tance from the middle to the upper and lower boundary of the histogram. - alpha which is multiplied with max service time to allow for more flexibility in sizing the histogram. The number of bins in any given histogram is set to 20. Knowing the upper and lower range, and the number of bins, a bin size can then be calculated. Distribution results are only displayed in the .out file (i.e. the human readable file). The usage of Activities and distribution reporting has not been tested. -o file Direct analysis results to output. A filename of `-' directs output to standard output. -P pragma[=value] Set pragma to value. See the section on pragmas below. -S seed Set the initial seed value for the random number SunOS 5.9 Last change: 27 June 2005 3 User Commands LQSIM(1) generator. By default, the system time from time(3) is used. The same seed value is used to initialize the random number generator for each file when multiple input files are specified. -t traceopts Tracing options. driver Print out the underlying tracing information from the Parasol simulation engine. processor[=pattern] Trace activity for processors whose name match pattern. If pattern is not specified, activity on all processors is reported. pattern is regular expression of the type accepted by egrep(1). task[=pattern] Trace activity for tasks whose name match pattern. If pattern is not specified, activity on all tasks is reported. pattern is regular expression of the type accepted by egrep(1). event=pattern[:pattern] Display only events matching pattern. The events are: msg-async, msg-send, msg-receive, msg-reply, msg-done, msg-abort, msg-forward, worker-dispatch, worker-idle, task-created, task-ready, task- running, task-computing, task-waiting, thread- start, thread-enqueue, thread-dequeue, thread- idle, thread-create, thread-reap, thread-stop, activity-start, activity_execute, activity_fork, and activity_join. msgbuf Show msgbuf allocation and deallocation. timeline Generate events for the timeline tool. -T run-time Set the run time for the simulation. The default is 10,000 units. Specifying -T after either -A or -B changes the simulation block size, but does not turn off blocked statistics collection. -z specialopts This flag is used to select special options. Arguments of the form nn are integers while arguments of the form nn.n are real numbers. SunOS 5.9 Last change: 27 June 2005 4 User Commands LQSIM(1) print-interval=nn Set the printing interval to nn. Results are printed after nn blocks have run. The default value is 10. global-delay=nn.n Set the interprocessor delay to nn.n for all tasks. Delays specified in the input file will override the global value. PRAGMAS scheduling default Use the scheduler built into parasol for processor scheduling. (faster) custom Use the custom scheduler for scheduling which permits more statistics to be gathered about processor utilization and waiting times. However, this option invokes more internal tasks, so simulations are slower than when using the default scheduler. default-natural Use the parasol scheduler; don't reschedule after the end of each phase or activity. custom-natural Use the custom scheduler; don't reschedule after the end of each phase or activity. messages = nn Set the number of message buffers to nn. The default is 1000. stop-on-message-loss = {on,off} In models with open queueing (open arrivals or asynchronous messages), arrival rates may exceed service rates. The simulator can either discard the arrival, or it can halt. reschedule-on-async-send = {on,off} In models with asynchronous messages, the simula- tor does not reschedule the processor after an asynchronous message is sent (unlike the case with synchronous messages). Setting this pragma to "on" causes a reschedule after each asynchronous message. SunOS 5.9 Last change: 27 June 2005 5 User Commands LQSIM(1) STOPPING CRITERIA It is important that the length of the simulation be chosen properly. Results may be inaccurate if the simulation run is too short. Simulations that run too long waste time and resources. Lqsim uses batch means (or the method of samples) to gen- erate confidence intervals. With automatic blocking, the confidences intervals are computed after running for three blocks plus the initialial skip period. If the root or the mean of the squares of the confidence intervals for the entry service times is within the specified precision, the simulation stops. Otherwise, it runs for another block and repeats the test. With manual blocking, lqsim runs the number of blocks specified then stops. In either case, the simulator will stop after 30 blocks. Confidence intervals can be tightened by either running additional blocks or by increasing the block size. A rule of thumb is the block size should be 10,000 times larger than the largest service time demand in the input model. Lqsim exits 0 on success, 1 if the model failed to converge, 2 if the input was invalid, 4 if a command line argument was incorrect, 8 for file read/write problems and -1 for fatal errors. If multiple input files are being processed, the exit code is the bit-wise OR of the above conditions. MODEL LIMITS The following table lists the acceptable parameter types for lqsim. An error will be reported if an unsupported parame- ter is supplied unless the value is the same as the default. Phases 3 Scheduling FIFO, HOL, PPR, RAND Open arrivals yes Phase type stochastic, deterministic Coefficient of variation yes Interprocessor-delay yes Asynchronous connections yes Forwarding yes Multi-servers yes Infinite-servers yes SunOS 5.9 Last change: 27 June 2005 6 User Commands LQSIM(1) Max Entries unlimited Max Tasks 1000 Max Processors 1000 Max Entries per Task unlimited SEE ALSO ``The Stochastic Rendezvous Network Model for Performance of Synchronous Multi-tasking Distributed Software'' by C.M. Woodside ``SRVN Input File Format'' by Dorina Petriu et al. srvndiff(1), egrep(1), floating_point(3) BUGS The format of the debugging output generated by the -d option requires a knowledge of the internals of lqsim in order to be understood. To promote harmony among users, and to simplify error pro- cessing, lqsim creates a child process to perform the actual simulation. The child is automatically niced. SunOS 5.9 Last change: 27 June 2005 7