G "Case Study" 0.0001 200 -1 P 0 p class5Switch_1 f i p class5Switch_2 f i # Processors in the Call Connection Agent p ss7Ip f p h248Ip f p dbServer f p coco_1 f # Processors in the Gateway p gwControl_1 f p gwSvc_1 f p gwH248_1 f p gwNlc_1 f p gwIlc_1 f p gwControl_2 f p gwSvc_2 f p gwH248_2 f p gwNlc_2 f p gwIlc_2 f # Processors in the Core Switch p coreControl f p coreSvc f p coreNlc f -1 T 0 t class5SwitchT_1 r class5SwitchE_1 -1 class5Switch_1 m 1000 t class5SwitchT_2 n class5SwitchIAM_2 class5SwitchREL_2 -1 class5Switch_2 m 500 t ss7IpInT n ss7IpInIamE ss7IpInRelE -1 ss7Ip m 150 t ss7IpOutT n ss7IpOutIamE ss7IpOutRelE -1 ss7Ip m 150 t h248IpT n h248IpAddE h248ModifyE h248SubtractE -1 h248Ip m 20 t cocoT_1 n cocoSetupE_1 cocoReleaseE_1 -1 coco_1 m 10 t dbServerT n dbServerGetE dbServerSetE -1 dbServer # One control, one Voice CallP, one SVC, 3 network line, 6 interface line t gwControlT_1 n gwControlRouteRequestE_1 gwControlDisconnectE_1 -1 gwControl_1 t gwSvcT_1 n gwSvcSetupE_1 gwSvcConnectE_1 gwSvcReleaseE_1 -1 gwSvc_1 m 20 t gwH248T_1 n gwH248AddE_1 gwH248ModifyE_1 gwH248SubtractE_1 -1 gwH248_1 m 10 t gwCacoT_1 n gwCacoAddE_1 gwCacoModifyE_1 gwCacoSubtractE_1 -1 gwH248_1 m 4 t gwNlcT_1 n gwNlcPt2PtSetE_1 -1 gwNlc_1 t gwIlcT_1 n gwIlcPt2PtSetE_1 -1 gwIlc_1 # One control, one Voice CallP, one SVC, 3 network line, 6 interface line t gwControlT_2 n gwControlRouteRequestE_2 gwControlDisconnectE_2 -1 gwControl_2 t gwSvcT_2 n gwSvcSetupE_2 gwSvcConnectE_2 gwSvcReleaseE_2 -1 gwSvc_2 m 20 t gwH248T_2 n gwH248AddE_2 gwH248ModifyE_2 gwH248SubtractE_2 -1 gwH248_2 m 10 t gwCacoT_2 n gwCacoAddE_2 gwCacoModifyE_2 gwCacoSubtractE_2 -1 gwH248_2 m 4 t gwNlcT_2 n gwNlcPt2PtSetE_2 -1 gwNlc_2 m 3 t gwIlcT_2 n gwIlcPt2PtSetE_2 -1 gwIlc_2 m 6 # One control, one svc, 12 line cards t coreControlT n coreControlRouteRequestE coreControlDisconnectE -1 coreControl t coreSvcT n coreSvcSetupE coreSvcConnectE coreSvcReleaseE -1 coreSvc m 125 t coreNlcT n coreNlcPt2PtSetE -1 coreNlc m 12 -1 E 0 # Gateway_1 is the terminating gateway # Gateway_2 is the originating gateway # we have 500 000 users, each making 1 call per hour. That means that # there is 3600 seconds of sleep time # for practical reasons, we have 1000 users, with 7.2 seconds of sleep time s class5SwitchE_1 0 3.6 3.6 -1 y class5SwitchE_1 ss7IpInIamE 0 0 1 -1 y class5SwitchE_1 ss7IpInRelE 0 1 0 -1 # set the service time for the IAM at the terminating switch to # be 50 msec s class5SwitchIAM_2 0.050 0 -1 s class5SwitchREL_2 0.050 0 -1 s ss7IpInIamE 0.000030 0 -1 y ss7IpInIamE cocoSetupE_1 1 0 -1 s ss7IpInRelE 0.000030 0 -1 y ss7IpInRelE cocoReleaseE_1 1 0 -1 s ss7IpOutIamE 0.000030 0 -1 y ss7IpOutIamE class5SwitchIAM_2 1 0 -1 s ss7IpOutRelE 0.000030 0 -1 y ss7IpOutRelE class5SwitchREL_2 1 0 -1 s h248IpAddE 0.000050 0 -1 y h248IpAddE gwH248AddE_1 0.5 0 -1 y h248IpAddE gwH248AddE_2 0.5 0 -1 s h248ModifyE 0.000025 0 -1 y h248ModifyE gwH248ModifyE_2 1 0 -1 s h248SubtractE 0.000030 0 -1 y h248SubtractE gwH248SubtractE_1 0.5 0 -1 y h248SubtractE gwH248SubtractE_2 0.5 0 -1 s cocoSetupE_1 0.000800 0.000050 -1 y cocoSetupE_1 h248IpAddE 2 0 -1 y cocoSetupE_1 h248ModifyE 1 0 -1 y cocoSetupE_1 dbServerGetE 1 0 -1 y cocoSetupE_1 dbServerSetE 0 1 -1 y cocoSetupE_1 ss7IpOutIamE 1 0 -1 s cocoReleaseE_1 0.000200 0.000050 -1 y cocoReleaseE_1 h248SubtractE 2 0 -1 y cocoReleaseE_1 dbServerGetE 1 0 -1 y cocoReleaseE_1 dbServerSetE 0 1 -1 y cocoReleaseE_1 ss7IpOutRelE 1 0 -1 s dbServerGetE 0.000025 0 -1 s dbServerSetE 0.000100 0 -1 s gwControlRouteRequestE_1 0.000040 0 -1 s gwControlDisconnectE_1 0.000080 0 -1 y gwControlDisconnectE_1 gwNlcPt2PtSetE_1 1 0 -1 y gwControlDisconnectE_1 gwIlcPt2PtSetE_1 1 0 -1 s gwSvcSetupE_1 0.000800 0.000050 -1 y gwSvcSetupE_1 gwControlRouteRequestE_1 1 0 -1 y gwSvcSetupE_1 coreSvcSetupE 1 0 -1 y gwSvcSetupE_1 gwNlcPt2PtSetE_1 1 0 -1 y gwSvcSetupE_1 gwIlcPt2PtSetE_1 1 0 -1 y gwSvcSetupE_1 coreSvcConnectE 1 0 -1 s gwSvcReleaseE_1 0.000500 0.000050 -1 y gwSvcReleaseE_1 gwControlDisconnectE_1 1 0 -1 y gwSvcReleaseE_1 coreSvcReleaseE 1 0 -1 s gwSvcConnectE_1 0.000750 0.000050 -1 s gwH248AddE_1 0.000020 0 -1 y gwH248AddE_1 gwCacoAddE_1 1 0 -1 s gwH248ModifyE_1 0.000010 0 -1 y gwH248ModifyE_1 gwCacoModifyE_1 1 0 -1 s gwH248SubtractE_1 0.000020 0 -1 y gwH248SubtractE_1 gwCacoSubtractE_1 1 0 -1 s gwCacoAddE_1 0.000800 0.000100 -1 y gwCacoAddE_1 gwSvcSetupE_1 1 0 -1 s gwCacoModifyE_1 0.000100 0.000050 -1 s gwCacoSubtractE_1 0.000100 0.000050 -1 y gwCacoSubtractE_1 gwSvcReleaseE_1 1 0 -1 s gwNlcPt2PtSetE_1 0.001000 0 -1 s gwIlcPt2PtSetE_1 0.001000 0 -1 #End of Gateway number 1 #Start of Gateway number 2 s gwControlRouteRequestE_2 0.000040 0 -1 s gwControlDisconnectE_2 0.000080 0 -1 y gwControlDisconnectE_2 gwNlcPt2PtSetE_2 1 0 -1 y gwControlDisconnectE_2 gwIlcPt2PtSetE_2 1 0 -1 s gwSvcSetupE_2 0.000800 0.000050 -1 y gwSvcSetupE_2 gwControlRouteRequestE_2 1 0 -1 y gwSvcSetupE_2 gwNlcPt2PtSetE_2 1 0 -1 y gwSvcSetupE_2 gwIlcPt2PtSetE_2 1 0 -1 s gwSvcReleaseE_2 0.000500 0.000050 -1 y gwSvcReleaseE_2 gwControlDisconnectE_2 1 0 -1 s gwSvcConnectE_2 0.000750 0.000050 -1 s gwH248AddE_2 0.000020 0 -1 y gwH248AddE_2 gwCacoAddE_2 1 0 -1 s gwH248ModifyE_2 0.000010 0 -1 y gwH248ModifyE_2 gwCacoModifyE_2 1 0 -1 s gwH248SubtractE_2 0.000020 0 -1 y gwH248SubtractE_2 gwCacoSubtractE_2 1 0 -1 s gwCacoAddE_2 0.000800 0.000050 -1 s gwCacoModifyE_2 0.000100 0.000050 -1 s gwCacoSubtractE_2 0.000100 0.000050 -1 s gwNlcPt2PtSetE_2 0.001000 0 -1 s gwIlcPt2PtSetE_2 0.001000 0 -1 # End of Gateway number 2 # start of the core switch s coreControlRouteRequestE 0.000040 0 -1 s coreControlDisconnectE 0.000080 0 -1 y coreControlDisconnectE coreNlcPt2PtSetE 2 0 -1 s coreSvcSetupE 0.000800 0.000050 -1 y coreSvcSetupE coreControlRouteRequestE 1 0 -1 y coreSvcSetupE coreNlcPt2PtSetE 2 0 -1 y coreSvcSetupE gwSvcSetupE_2 1 0 -1 s coreSvcConnectE 0.000750 0.000050 -1 y coreSvcConnectE gwSvcConnectE_2 1 0 -1 s coreSvcReleaseE 0.000500 0.000050 -1 y coreSvcReleaseE coreControlDisconnectE 1 0 -1 y coreSvcReleaseE gwSvcReleaseE_2 1 0 -1 s coreNlcPt2PtSetE 0.001000 0 -1 -1