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Final Program
IASTED International Conference
Applied Modelling and Simulation (AMS'99)
Cairns, Australia
September 1-3, 1999

The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED)
- Technical Committee on Modelling and Simulation

Cairns International Hotel
17 Abbott Street
Cairns, Queensland
4870 Australia
Tel: 61-7-4031-1300
Fax: 61-7-4031-1801

O. Abou-Rabia, Laurentian University, Canada
H. Amer, Cairo University, Egypt
H.A. Barker, University of Wales Swansea, UK
P. Brooker, University of Adelaide, Australia
K.S. Chim, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
E. Chow, Univ. of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA
R. Ege, Florida International University, USA
A.K. Goel, Michigan Technological University, USA
E. Gomes, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
F.B. Gross, Florida State University, USA
M.M. Guizani, University of West Florida, USA
Y. Hamamatsu, Ibaraki University, Japan
H. Hoeger, University of the Andes, Venezuela
H. Holm, Aalborg University, Denmark
A. Izquierdo-Fuente, University of Valladolid, Spain
A.J. Jakeman, Australian National University, Australia
A. Jirachiefpattana, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
M.S. Johnson, Abo Akademi University, Finland
S. Kawata, Utsunomiya University, Japan
J.H. Knight, CSIRO, Australia
S. Kopacsi, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
W. Kreutzer, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
M. Lacroix, University of Sherbrooke, Canada
J. Li, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Z. Niu, Tsinghua University, China
A.N. Pears, La Trobe University, Australia
B.E. Petrasko, University of Central Florida, USA
R.D. Rojas, University of the Andes, Venezuela
O.E. Ruiz, University EAFIT, Colombia
J. Sang, Cleveland State University, USA
F.L. Severance, Western Michigan University, USA
R. Signorile, Boston College, USA
W.W. Smari, University of Dayton, USA
W. Switek, Univ. of the Americas at Puebla, Mexico
A. Tentov, Univ.of Sts Cyril & Methodius, Macedonia
Y.M. Teo, National Univ. of Singapore, Singapore
G. Tonella, University of the Andes, Venezuela and Italian University of Switzerland, Switzerland
L. Wadhwa, James Cook University, Australia
G.A. Wainer, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
I. White, Australian National University, Australia
D. Xu, Shantou University, China
X.-D. Yang, University of Regina, Canada
F. Yoshimoto, Wakayama University, Japan


Wednesday, September 1, 1999

07:30-09:00 - Registration - (Tully Foyer)
09:00-09:15 - Welcome (Tully Room 1)
09:15-10:15 - Plenary Address by Brian Lees: Modelling Patterns in Space (Tully Room 1)
10:15- Session 1: Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems (Tully Room 1)
         - Session 2: Computer Performance Evaluation: Tools and Algorithms (Tully Room 2)
11:00-11:30 - Coffee Break (Tully Foyer)
14:00-Session 3: Chemical Systems (Tully Room 1)
        - Session 4: Applications 1 (Tully Room 2)
15:30-16:00 - Coffee Break (Tully Foyer)

Thursday, September 2, 1999

08:30 - Session 5: Networks and Communication Systems (Tully Room 1)
          - Session 6: Power Systems (Tully Room 2)
10:30-11:00 - Coffee Break (Tully Foyer)
14:00 - Keynote Address by Tony Jakeman: Constraints, Progress and Directions in Modelling             Catchment Behaviour (Tully Room 1)
15:00 - Session 7: Robotics and Manufacturing (Tully Room 1)
          - Session 8: Algorithms and Numerical Applications (Tully Room 2)
16:00-16:30 - Coffee Break (Tully Foyer)
19:00 - Banquet (Grand Ballroom)

Friday, September 3, 1999

08:30 - Session 9: Simulation (Tully Room 1)
          - Session 10: Models (Tully Room 2)
          - Session 11: Analysis (Tully Room 3)
10:30-11:00 - Coffee Break (Tully Foyer)
14:00 - Session 12: Identification (Tully Room 1)
          - Session 13: Modelling and Simulation (Tully Room 1)
          - Session 14: Applications 2 (Tully Room 1)
15:30-16:00 - Coffee Break (Tully Foyer)

Saturday, September 4, 1999

08:50 - Moore Reef Cruise Tour (departs from Hotel Lobby)

Wednesday, September 1, 1999

07:30-09:00 - Registration
Location: Tully Foyer

09:00-09:15 - Welcome
Location: Tully Room 1

09:15-10:15 - Plenary Address: Modelling Patterns in Space
by Brian G. Lees, Australian  National University
Location: Tully Room 1

10:15 - Session 1: Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
Co-Chairs: D. Xu (China) and K. Sandrasegaran (New Zealand)
Location: Tully Room 1

A Security Policy Manager for Multilevel Secure Object-Oriented Database Management Systems
R.A. Haraty (Lebanon)

Comparison of Neural Networks Performance for Fault Classification in Rolling Bearing
L.R. Padovese (Brazil)

Applied Fuzzy c-Means Clustering to Data Compression for Speaker Recognition
S.-Y. Lung, C.-T. Chen (Taiwan)

A Rule-Correcting Table Based Fuzzy Control Method and Implementation
D. Xu, Y. Jiang (China)

Trophic State Estimation for Lakes using Fuzzy Logic
Z. Koneski, D. Davcev, K. Mitreski, J. Gorgoski (Macedonia)

Fuzzy Based Modeling Applied to Reliability Assessment of Critical Systems
P.S. Cugnasca, M.T. Carvalho de Andrade, J.B. Camargo Jr. (Brazil)

10:15 - Session 2: Computer Performance Evaluation: Tools and Algorithms (Special Session)
Chair and Organizer: W.W. Smari (USA)
Location: Tully Room 2

Monitoring and Steering of Large-Scale Distributed Simulations
J.A. Kohl, G.A. Geist II (USA)

Visualization of Distributed Shared Memory System Behavior
J.E. Lumpp Jr. (USA)

A Unified Approach for Simulation and Experimental Evaluation of Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems
U. Schmid, B. Weiss, G. Gridling, K. Schossmaier (Austria)

Performance of a Deadlock-Free Algorithm on Folded Hypercubes
G.M. Chaudhry, M. Guizani (USA)

11:00-11:30 - Coffee Break
Location: Tully Foyer

14:00 - Session 3: Chemical Systems
Co-Chairs: J. Krope (Slovenia) and R. Islam (Canada)
Location: Tully Room 1

Improvement of Numerical Methods in Petroleum Engineering Problems
A. Aboudheir, I. Kocabas, M.R. Islam (Canada)

Two-Phase Flow in Pipeline Systems
A. Pristovnik, D. Goricanec, J. Krope (Slovenia)

Modelling Study on the Enrichment of Heavy Water in Thermal Diffusion Columns of Inclined Frazier Scheme
H.-M. Yeh (Taiwan)

Chemical and Phase Equilibria Computation using Homotopy Continuation in Complex Space
F. Jalali, M.J. Nejad (Iran)

Modeling on Flux Behavior of Membrane Ultrafiltration
T.-W. Cheng, F.-K. Peng (Taiwan)

Using Molecular Dynamics to Model Solvent Influence on Reaction and Liquid-Liquid Extractions
M.E. Sheehan (Australia), P.N. Sharratt (UK)

Multiphase Flow in a Packed Bed Absorber: Comparison to Experimental Results
L. Westerlund, J. Dahl, R. Hermansson (Sweden)

Temperature Transient Profile for Combustion of Porous Cylindrical Carbon-Riched Particle
A.F. Ismail, B.A. Jubran, R.C. Abdullah (Malaysia)

Modelling of Cross-Flow Microfiltration of Aggregated Submicron Particles
K.-J. Hwang (Taiwan)

14:00 - Session 4: Applications 1
Co-Chairs: D. Marinova (Australia) and L. Westerlund (Sweden)
Location: Tully Room 2

DEMO: Approach from Identification of Business Transaction to Simulation of Business Processes
J. Barjis, J.L.G. Dietz (The Netherlands)

Interactive Factory Planning
E. Westkamper, W. Sihn, R. von Briel, S. Bierschenk (Germany)

Patent Data Models: Study of Technological Strengths of Western Australia
D. Marinova (Australia)

A Dynamic Model of Legal Process Behaviour
M. Purvis, M. Purvis (Australia)

Energy Efficient Bio Fuel Drying with Open Absorption System
L. Johansson, L. Westerlund (Sweden)

Modelling Mortality and Reproduction Rates for Management of Sheep Flocks in Northern Australia
P.M. Pepper, D.G. Mayer, G.M. McKeon, A.D. Moore (Australia)

Modelling Mortality and Reproduction Rates for Management of Beef Herds in Northern Australia
D.G. Mayer, P.M. Pepper, G.M. McKeon, A.D. Moore (Australia)

Programmed Learning Method for Natural Family Planning Education
A. Urbaniak (Poland)

Software Optimizes Motor-Assist Dual 1WD Carcycle, Sans Rego/Licence
P.ff. Howden (Australia)

ATC Tower Simulator: TACUND
H. Hexmoor, T. Heng (USA)

15:30-16:00 - Coffee Break
Location: Tully Foyer

Thursday, September 2, 1999

08:30 - Session 5: Networks and Communication Systems
Co-Chairs: R.-K. Chiu (Taiwan) and H.-S. Yoon (Korea)
Location: Tully Room 1

Performance Evaluation for Modern Ether Switched Local Area Networks
R.-K. Chiu, L.-P. Chang, C.-H. Wu (Taiwan)

A Discrete Model for Packet Flow
J. Yuan, Y. Ren, X. Shan (China)

Exact Aggregation Technique for Closed Queueing Networks with Blocking
M.C. Clo, R. Mirandola (Italy)

Evaluation of Fairness Strategies for ATM Congestion Control Policing Mechanisms
S.S. Al-Wakeel, N.-E. Rikli, A.A. Al-Wehaibi (Saudi Arabia)

Interference Analyzer Design and Its Application for Wireless Communication ServicesI.-K. Rhee, H.-S. Lee, Y.-J. Song (Korea)

Level Crossing Modelling for Outage Probability Calculation in Bursty Communication Channels
V.Ya. Kontorovitch, F. Ramos A. (Mexico)

A Security Key Generating Agent for Data and Computer Communication on the Web
H.-S. Yoon, J.-G. Koh, M.-J. Jeong, S.-H. Bae (Korea)

The Simulation of the Amplitude-Locked Loop with Cochannel Interference using Matlab
G.-J. Jong, T.-J. Su (Taiwan), T.J. Moir (UK)

An Intelligent Intrusion Detection System
M.I.S.M. Buhari, S. Sahib, V. Ganapathy (Malaysia)

08:30 - Session 6: Power Systems
Co-Chairs: S.M. Andic (Canada) and A. Shalaan (Saudi Arabia)
Location: Tully Room 2

Modelling and Simulation of a Bi-Directional Power Converter for a Voltage-Source Inverter Drive
A.H. Al-Badi (Oman)

Stabilization of Multi-Area Power Systems using Decentralized Sliding Mode Load-Frequency Control
M.-S. Yang, H.-C. Lu (Taiwan)

Power Efficiency and Latency for a Scalable Power Management Model in a Dual Processor System
J.-R. Hu, Y.-W. Bai (Taiwan)

Application of Wavelet Techniques for Power Electronics and EMI
H.-L. Hung, J.-T. Hsu, C.-T. Chi (Taiwan)

Simulation of Power Factor Improvement Scenarios in Electric Power Systems
M.A. El-Kady, A.M. Shaalan (Saudi Arabia)

Design of Optimal Load Management Strategies in Electric Power Systems
M.S. Al-Saud, M.A. El-Kady, A.M. Shaalan (Saudi Arabia)

A State Transition Model for a Power Managed Multimedia System Design using Scalable Operating Voltages
J.-H. Lien, Y.-W. Bai (Taiwan)

A Queueing Model for Feasibility Analysis of the Solar Cell Powered Handheld Information Systems
Y.-W. Bai (Taiwan)

A New Algorithm to Study the Cell Performance of Various Sets of the PV Modules
F.H. Fahmy (Egypt)

Hydrogen Gas Production and Utilization as Electricity using Renewable Energy Source
F.H. Fahmy, Z.S. Abdel-Rehim (Egypt)

Modelling and Simulation of Fluid Power and Electrical Circuits using Linear Graphs
S.M. Andic (Canada)

Optimal Design of District Heating Networks Operating with Drag Reducing Additives
A. Krope, J. Krope, D. Goricanec (Slovenia)

Finite-Element Modelling of Multiple Rotor Circuits Synchronous Machines
N.E.E. Elkadri, R. Wamkeue, I. Kamwa, M. Chacha (Canada)

10:00-10:30 - Coffee Break
Location: Tully Foyer

10:30 - Keynote Address: Constraints, Progress and Directions in Modelling Catchment Behaviour
by Tony Jakeman, Australian National University
Location: Tully Room 1

Hydrological models are being increasingly required as an essential input or link to models of wider environmental problems. Study of the spectrum of hydrological models and their strengths and weaknesses is also an indicator of the difficulties that must be surmounted when modelling a wider array of environmental systems where similar issues of scale, complexity, heterogeneity and identifiability must be addressed. The aim of this presentation is to examine the range of available hydrological modelling approaches in the context of known behaviour of hydrological systems, and hence to discuss appropriate modelling strategies for a representative range of modelling tasks.

Tony Jakeman is Professor in the Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies at the Australian National University. He is also Director of the University's Integrated Catchment Assessment and Management Centre, and President of the Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand. He has worked as an environmental systems modeller for over 20 years, has over 200 publications and is Editor-in-Chief of the Elsevier journal, Environmental Modelling and Software

15:00 - Session 7: Robotics and Manufacturing
Co-Chairs: M.A. Gongora-Florian (Colombia) and Z. Taha (Malaysia)
Location: Tully Room 1

Simulation and Modeling of Spindle Motor PerformanceR. Menon, L.H. Tong, Y. Ibrahim, L. ZhiJie (Singapore)

Digital Circuit Testing with Signature Analysis Employing Pseudorandom Binary Sequence (PRBS) Generators
R.A. Guinee (Ireland)

A Simulation Study of Applying JIT Techniques for Job Shop Manufacturing
J.-W. Li, D.J. Barnes (New Zealand)

Adjusting the Trajectory of a Mobile Robot using Known Beacons
M.A. Gongora-Florian (Colombia)

A Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulator with Actual Torque for Mechatronics Design of High Performance Robots
H. Temeltas, M. Gokasan, S. Bogosyan (Turkey)

Immersive Simulation of Automatically Controlled Portal Robot Systems
J. Tuominen, J. Vayrynen, T. Hyyrylainen (Finland)

Neural Network Modeling, Simulation and Control of Limbs
Z. Taha (Malaysia)

15:00 - Session 8: Algorithms and Numerical Applications
Co-Chairs: S. Kalyanasundaram (Australia) and W. Tarng (Taiwan)
Location: Tully Room 2

Efficiency of Motion Estimation in Video Coding
C.-F. Chen (Taiwan)

A Fault-Tolerant Task Allocation and Scheduling Algorithm in Distributed Real-Time Systems
W. Tarng (Taiwan)

Application of Parallel Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method to Non-Linear Problems in Solid Mechanics
Z. Ding, S. Kalyanasundaram, L. Grosz, S. Roberts, M. Cardew-Hall (Australia)

The Solution of Periodic Parabolic Equations by an Iterative Two-Step Method
M.S. Sahimi, E. Sundararajan, S.A. Hanawi (Malaysia)

Robust Stability of Multiple Time-Delay Uncertain Systems with Series Nonlinearies
J.-T. Tsay, P.-L. Liu, M.-S. Yang (Taiwan)

Robust Stability for Perturbed Time-Delay Systems with Delay-Dependence
P.-L. Liu, J.-T. Tsay, T.-J. Su (Taiwan)

16:00-16:30 - Coffee Break
Location: Tully Foyer

19:00 - Banquet
Location: Grand Ballroom

Friday, September 3, 1999

08:30 - Session 9: Simulation
Co-Chairs: X.D. Yang (Canada) and T. Pawletta (Germany)
Location: Tully Room 1

RPESIM, An Educational Nuclear Reactor Experiments Simulator Software
A. Mireshghi, Z. Jamshidi (Iran)

Simulation Generation from UML Like Specifications
L.B. Arief, N.A. Speirs (UK)

Embedding of Transaction-Oriented Simulations into SCEs
W. Drewelow, S. Pawletta, T. Pawletta (Germany)

The Combined Effects of Closed-Loop Mechanical Ventilation and Automatic Control of Oxygen on Ventilatory Therapy
F.T. Tehrani (USA)

Simulation of a Resin Flow Through a Porous Medium
L.A. Paoliello Alvim, M. Rocchi Tavares, M. de Mattos Pimenta (Brazil)

Simulation of Paper Machine Basis Weight and Ash Content Dynamics
P. Airikka, T. Kokko, P. Lautala, T. Huhtelin (Finland)

Simulation of Microphones Array to Form Acoustic Focus
H. Mizoguchi, Y. Kiuchi, T. Shigehara, K. Hiraoka, T. Mishima (Japan)

Simulation of Wire and Chain Mechanisms in Hydraulic Driven Booms
E. Keskinen, J. Montonen, S. Launis (Finland), M. Cotsaftis (France)

Automatic Generation of Band Matrices for Dynamic Simulation Systems
X.D. Yang, H. Gai (Canada)

Three Dimensional Finite Element Simulation of Bulge Forming using a Solid Bulging Medium
B.J. Mac Donald, M.S.J. Hashmi (Ireland)

08:30 - Session 10: Models
Co-Chairs: F. Yoshimoto (Japan) and J.J. Neto (Brazil)
Location: Tully Room 2

A Model for Similarity Searching in 2D Face Image Data
P. Porntrakoon, C. Jittawiriyanukoon (Thailand)

Building 3D Models from a Stuffed Specimen of a Japanese Wolf Toward Exhibiting in Virtual Museum
M. Moriyama, T. Harada, F. Yoshimoto (Japan)

Modeling Adaptive Reactive Systems
J.J. Neto, J.R. de Almeida Jr. (Brazil)

Using Adaptive Models for Systems Description
J.R. de Almeida Jr., J.J. Neto (Brazil)

A Discrete Event Framework for Spatial and Hierarchical Ecological Models
K.A. Glass, K.A. Stevens (USA)

A Systematic Approach for Model Extraction for Device Simulation Application
V. Palankovski, R. Strasser, H. Kosina, S. Selberherr (Austria)

Solving Systems of Integer Linear Equations and Inequalities using Model Checking Techniques
B. Schutz (Germany)

Design of Variable Structure Model Following Adaptive Controller for Uncertain Systems with Delayed State and Control
M.-S. Yang, H.-C. Lu (Taiwan)

The Finite Element Simulation of Sheet Metal Forming with Local Friction Model
S. Zhang, P. Hodgson, M. Cardew-Hall, S. Kalyanasundaram (Australia)

Modeling of the VDMOS for Efficient Circuit Simulation
H.-L. Hung, J.-T. Hsu (Taiwan)

A Survey of Explicit Causal Models of Physical Systems
K. Sandrasegaran (New Zealand)

08:30 - Session 11: Analysis
Co-Chairs: K.-S. Chim (Hong Kong) and R.S. Ulson (Brazil)
Location: Tully Room 3

Conservative Distributed Simulation on Portability Platforms: The CMB Protocol Behavior
R.S. Ulson, J.C.M. Morselli Jr., R.H.C. Santana, M.J. Santana (Brazil)

Analysis of Paper Machine Stock Preparation using Simulation
T. Kokko, P. Airikka, P. Lautala, T. Huhtelin (Finland)

Applied Fixed Point Theorem to Boundary Estimation Between HMM Pairs
S.-Y. Lung, C.-T. Chen (Taiwan)

Stabilization Analysis of Uncertain Time-Delay Systems with Saturating Actuator
H.-C. Cheng, P.-L. Liu (Taiwan)

A Practical Harmonic Analysis Man-Machine Interface for Industrial Distribution System
J.-H. Teng, S.-Y. Chan, W.-K. Hsieh, S.-L. Ho, T.-S. Luor (Taiwan)

Computer Simulation and Experimental Investigation of the TMS Building Atrium Smoke Control System
K.H. Yang, B.Y. Tsuei, H.T. Kao, T.C. Yeh (Taiwan)

Smoke Management Analysis of the Taipei Main Railway Station
K.H. Yang, B.Y. Tsuei, H.T. Kao, T.C. Yeh (Taiwan)

Analysis and Design of a Multi-Core, Multi-Rotor Single and Two Phase Machine with a Single Layer Winding
D.J. Chambega, N.K. Lujara, J.A.N. Msekela (Tanzania)

Vortex Streak Behind Complex Terrain
K.-S. Chim, K.-H. Lau, J.-C. Chen, S.-C. Kot (Hong Kong)

10:00-10:30 - Coffee Break
Location: Tully Foyer

Session 12: Identification
Co-Chairs: R. Wamkeue (Canada) and M. Cehan-Racovita (Romania)
Location: Tully Room 1

Dynamic Testing and Parameter Identification of Variable Speed Motor Drives using Pseudonoise Sequences
R.A. Guinee (Ireland)

A Novel Approach to the Identification Problem
M. Cehan-Racovita (Romania)

Unbalanced Transients Based Maximum Likelihood Identification of Multi-Rotor Winding Induction Machines
R. Wamkeue, I. Kamwa (Canada)

Neural and Fuzzy Identification of a Spark Ignition Engine Idle Mode
H.M. Mohamed, S. Hameida, M.Z. Abdulmuin (Malaysia)

Speaker Identification Through Use of Features Selected using Genetic Algorithm
D.-Y. Kuo, C.-T. Chen, S.-Y. Lung (Taiwan)

Session 13: Modelling and Simulation
Co-Chairs: S. Abdullah (Malaysia) and P.I. Brooker (Australia)
Location: Tully Room 1

Modelling Heat Effect of a Chemical Tank Lorry Subjected to Thermal Exposure with Application to Vent Sizing
H.-J. Chen, S.-P. Lin (Taiwan)

Modelling Raw Cotton Fabrics for Measuring Air Permeability
E. Beres (Hungary)

Comparative 3D Shape Recovery for Archaeological Artifacts
Y. Chen (New Zealand), K. Schluens (Germany), R. Klette (New Zealand)

Evaluation of Particle Tracking Velocimetry for Studies of the Flow in
a Boiler Furnace
L. Dumortier, L. Benckert, J. Dahl, B. Kjellstrom (Sweden)

Modeling of Growth and Transport of Bacteria in Porous Media
Y.-G. Yang, Y. Niibori, C. Inoue, T. Chida (Japan)

Object-Oriented Modeling of Mechatronic Systems using Bond Graphs
W. Borutzky (Germany)

Integral Simulation Approach to Production Process Reengineering
M. Kljajic, I. Bernik, A. Skraba (Slovenia)

Simulation of Outdoor Sound Propagation via an Adaptive Three-Dimensional Numerical Integration
S. Abdullah, M.J.M. Nor (Malaysia)

A Parallel Finite Oct-Tree for Multi-Threaded Insert, Delete, and Search Operations
T. Binder, S. Selberherr (Austria)

Transient Thermocapillary Convective Flow Inside a Cylindrical Float Zone Under 1-g and u-g Conditions
H. Bazzi, C.T. Nguyen, N. Galanis (Canada)

Statistical Modelling of Soil Data from the Riverland, South Australia
P.I. Brooker (Australia)

Mixed Convection in Ducts: Criteria for Different Modeling Options
M. Zghal, N. Galanis, C.T. Nguyen (Canada)

Session 14: Applications 2
Co-Chairs: R.S. Sandige (USA) and S. Kopacsi (Hungary)
Location: Tully Room 1

Influences of Magnetic Hydrodynamics on Water Systems
J. Krope, A. Pristovnik, L. Crepinsek, I. Ticar (Slovenia)

Designing Digital DEMULTIPLEXER Trees
R.S. Sandige (USA)

Using Grey Relational Measures of Speaker Recognition
C.-T. Chen, S.-Y. Lung, D.-Y. Kuo (Taiwan)

Integrating Collaborative Engineering Environment Concepts into Parallel Performance Visualization Tools
W.W. Smari, J.S. Hwang (USA)

Distributed Processing of Complex Logistics Flows
G.L. Kovacs, S. Kopacsi (Hungary), P. Paganelli (Italy)

15:30-16:00 - Coffee Break
Location: Tully Foyer


08:50-17:30 - Moore Reef Cruise Tour
Location: Departs from Hotel Lobby

The Moore Reef Cruise is a full day tour highlighting the best sights of Cairns. The tour will introduce you to the Great Barrier Reef and the lush rainforests found throughout Cairns.

The magnificent reef runs along virtually the entire coast of Queensland. Considered one of the world's natural wonders, it is the most extensive reef system and the biggest structure made by living organisms on earth. In the north, the reef is virtually continuous and is located only 50km or so from the shore.

The Wet Tropics region is a wilderness dream of lush and breathtakingly beautiful tropical rainforests (with a variety of wildlife), deserted white beaches and crystal clear rivers. The region attracts nature lovers and backpackers seeking the perfect holiday escape.

The Great Barrier Reef and the rainforests of the Wet Tropics come together along the northern section of the coast. Nowhere else in the world are two such natural wonders found side by side and so accessible to travelers.

All participants will be picked up at the Cairns International Hotel and taken to the cruise dock. The Moore Reef Cruise includes catamaran travel, tea and buffet lunch, on-board presentation on the Great Barrier Reef, stop over on Tropical Fitzroy Island with guided rainforest appreciation tour, guided coral viewing from semi-submersible craft and glass bottom boat, all snorkeling equipment and a FREE guided snorkeling tour, a fish feeding presentation, marine life touch tank, and FREE coach transfers from City and Northern Beaches that will return you to the Cairns International Hotel.

The presentation time for a paper is approximately 20 minutes for a regular paper. This time includes 5 minutes for discussion. Extra copies of the proceedings may be ordered separately from the Secretariat.

Cairns is the heart of the Tropical North of Australia. It provides an ideal base for exploring and enjoying the rich, varied pleasures of this region. Cairns is the primary access point to the Great Barrier Reef which gained World Heritage status in 1981 as the largest and most complex expanse of living corral on earth. The nearby rainforests of the Wet Tropics were awarded World Heritage listing in 1988. They are not only beautiful survivors of the world before human life evolved, but an on-going source of scientific discoveries. Be sure to leave time to enjoy these unique natural wonders and related summer activities that are available.

The Cairns International Hotel is a five star luxury resort in the heart of the city of Cairns. The hotel is across the street from the Reef Casino, which is open 24 hours a day, and a seven-minute walk to the Cairns Central Shopping Centre and the Cairns Railway Station. The average temperature in Cairns during September is 23C (74F).

Although the program for the conference has been set, you are welcome to come to AMS'99 as an attendee. To register, send a completed registration form by postal mail, fax or email. The full Conference Registration Form is located on our website at On-site registration is available but not recommended. Space for the tours/banquet will not be guaranteed for on-site registrations. The following registrations are available to conference attendees:

Full Registration - $550US
Member Registration - $500US
Student Registration - $150US

Full registration includes keynote and plenary addresses, one copy of the proceedings, refreshments during the conference, and the conference banquet on September 2, 1999. Student registration includes all of the above except a copy of the conference proceedings.

Please make your hotel reservation in Cairns as early as possible. You will receive a discounted, conference rate for any rooms booked with the Cairns International Hotel. Complete the form located on our web site and fax or mail it directly to the Cairns International Hotel. The following rate is available to attendees:

Run-of-House: $160AUD ($105US)

The conference will be held at the Cairns International Hotel, which is 8 km (5 mi) from the Cairns International Airport. There is plenty of airport transit available at the airport baggage area. A one-way taxi ride will cost approximately $10AUD ($7US).

IASTED Secretariat
#80, 4500 16th Avenue N.W.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T3B 0M6
Phone: 403-288-1195
Fax: 403-247-6851
Website: http//

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