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I-DEVS: Imprecise Real-Time and Embedded DEVS Modeling

Mohammad Moallemi and Gabriel Wainer

Symposium On Theory of Modeling and Simulation - DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium (TMS/DEVS 2011)
Boston, MA, USA, April 4-9, 2011


The problem of over-running in hard real-time systems pos-es critical risks to the hardware under control. The imprecise computation technique offers an effective way of resource utilization in these cases. We introduce Imprecise-DEVS (I-DEVS), a model-driven approach to develop real-time and embedded applications based on the DEVS (Discrete Event Systems Specification) formalism. This approach combines the dynamic advantages of the imprecise computation tech-nique with the rigor of a formal modeling methodology. This framework can be used to develop embedded applica-tions incrementally, integrating imprecise models with hardware components seamlessly. We have defined struc-tural modifications to DEVS in order to allow imprecise model definition.

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