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Request for revision of marks

− If you believe that there has been an error in the marking of your work, fill out this form to request remarking. However, note that the remark will be done strictly according to the marking scheme, and that the purpose of the remark is solely to correct any possible errors in the marking; thus a new mark may increase or decrease or remain the same.
− Indicate on the form the question(s) and section number(s) you wish to be remarked.
− Print and sign the form, and submit it (with the work) to the T.A. indicated in the course outline.
− You will receive a reponse in approximately two weeks.
− There will be no negotiation about marks. You may review work only once.
− If you are still unsatisfied, you may appeal the grade according to the standard procedures of the faculty.
Student Name:
Student Number: Course:
Session: Instructor:
Work submitted:
I request that the following questions be re-corrected: (describe reasons)
I understand that my revised mark may be the same, lower or higher than the original mark.


Last Updated: $Date: 2020/08/21 22:32:31 $