

EIDORS_CACHE Control eidors caching


function varargout=eidors_cache( command, varargin )


 EIDORS_CACHE Control eidors caching
 Usage: eidors_cache( command, limit ) for cache management
 Usage: eidors_cache(@function_handle, {params1, ... }) for shorthand
        chashing in m-files

   eidors_cache( 'clear_all' ) 
   eidors_cache  clear

   eidors_cache( 'list' )
   eidors_cache( 'show_objs' )
       - list all objects
   eidors_cache(___, order)
       - sort by specific order. Valid values are 
         {time}, size, effort, count, rank

   eidors_cache( 'clear_old'. timestamp );
   eidors_cache( 'clear_new', timestamp );
      - clear all variables older (or newer) than timestamp
      - example:
         time_now= now;
         lots_of_eidors_calcs % don't need to cache this stuff

   eidors_cache( 'clear_max', memory_in_bytes );
      - clear cache so it has less than memory_in_bytes

   eidors_cache( 'cache_size', memory_in_bytes );
      - set max cache size to be memory_in_bytes
      - without 2nd arg will return current cache_size

   eidors_cache( 'clear_name', cache_name )
      - eg. eidors_cache( 'clear_name', 'inv_solve_diff_GN_one_step')
      - clear all variables with name 

   eidors_cache( 'clear_model_library' );
      - clear the eidors model library directory
      - NOTE: this function is experimental. 
      - TODO: add a way to specify what to clear
   eidors_cache( 'boost_priority', value)
      - modify the priority of the next cached items
      - low priority variables will be deleted first when memory is tight

   eidors_cache( 'off' )
   eidors_cache( 'disable' )
   eidors_cache( 'off', 'function_name' )
      - new values are not added to cache
      - requests for cached values return []
      - if specified, only applies to a specific function

   eidors_cache( 'on' )
   eidors_cache( 'enable' )
   eidors_cache( 'on', 'function_name' )
      - re-enables caching
      - if specified, only applies to a specific function

   eidors_cache( 'status' )
      - queries the caching status
      - 0  : all off
      - 1  : all on
      - 0.5: off for some functions

   eidors_cache( 'debug_on' )
   eidors_cache( 'debug_on', 'function_name' )
      - enables debug output
      - if specified, only applies to a specific function
      - will print a message everytime an object is removed from cache

   eidors_cache( 'debug_off' )
   eidors_cache( 'debug_off', 'function_name' );
      - disables debug output
      - if specified, only applies to a specific function

   eidors_cache( 'debug_status' )
      - queries debug status
      - output analogous to cache status above

   v1 = eidors_cache( @function_handle, {param1, param2, ...})
   [v1, v2, ...] = eidors_cache( @function_handle, {param1, param2, ...})
   [v1, v2, ...] = eidors_cache( ... , opt)
      Shorthand interface for caching the output of a specific function.
      Specify all arguments to the function as a cell array. They will all
      be used for as a caching object by default. The following options
      are available:
            - a single value, or a cell array of values to cache on, 
              rather than all the inputs (e.g. not all values of an input
              struct may be used in the function)
            - priority boost to use for that function
            - name to use for the cached result
            - message level to use with eidors_msg. By default, it's 4 for
              'setting cache' and 3 for 'using cached value'

   eidors_cache( 'cache_path' )
   eidors_cache( 'cache_path', '/path/to/cache/path' )
       - get and set cache_path, a path to a writable
           directory in which eidors can store files

   eidors_cache( 'eidors_path' )
   eidors_cache( 'eidors_path', '/path/to/eidors/' )
       - /path/to/eidors is the path in which eidors_startup.m is found

 See also EIDORS_OBJ


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function varargout=eidors_cache( command, varargin )
0002 % EIDORS_CACHE Control eidors caching
0003 % Usage: eidors_cache( command, limit ) for cache management
0004 % Usage: eidors_cache(@function_handle, {params1, ... }) for shorthand
0005 %        chashing in m-files
0006 %
0007 % USAGE:
0008 %   eidors_cache( 'clear_all' )
0009 %   eidors_cache  clear
0010 %
0011 %   eidors_cache( 'list' )
0012 %   eidors_cache( 'show_objs' )
0013 %       - list all objects
0014 %   eidors_cache(___, order)
0015 %       - sort by specific order. Valid values are
0016 %         {time}, size, effort, count, rank
0017 %
0018 %   eidors_cache( 'clear_old'. timestamp );
0019 %   eidors_cache( 'clear_new', timestamp );
0020 %      - clear all variables older (or newer) than timestamp
0021 %      - example:
0022 %         time_now= now;
0023 %         lots_of_eidors_calcs % don't need to cache this stuff
0024 %         eidors_cache('clear_new',time_now);
0025 %
0026 %   eidors_cache( 'clear_max', memory_in_bytes );
0027 %      - clear cache so it has less than memory_in_bytes
0028 %
0029 %   eidors_cache( 'cache_size', memory_in_bytes );
0030 %      - set max cache size to be memory_in_bytes
0031 %      - without 2nd arg will return current cache_size
0032 %
0033 %   eidors_cache( 'clear_name', cache_name )
0034 %      - eg. eidors_cache( 'clear_name', 'inv_solve_diff_GN_one_step')
0035 %      - clear all variables with name
0036 %
0037 %   eidors_cache( 'clear_model_library' );
0038 %      - clear the eidors model library directory
0039 %      - NOTE: this function is experimental.
0040 %      - TODO: add a way to specify what to clear
0041 %
0042 %   eidors_cache( 'boost_priority', value)
0043 %      - modify the priority of the next cached items
0044 %      - low priority variables will be deleted first when memory is tight
0045 %
0046 %   eidors_cache( 'off' )
0047 %   eidors_cache( 'disable' )
0048 %   eidors_cache( 'off', 'function_name' )
0049 %      - new values are not added to cache
0050 %      - requests for cached values return []
0051 %      - if specified, only applies to a specific function
0052 %
0053 %   eidors_cache( 'on' )
0054 %   eidors_cache( 'enable' )
0055 %   eidors_cache( 'on', 'function_name' )
0056 %      - re-enables caching
0057 %      - if specified, only applies to a specific function
0058 %
0059 %   eidors_cache( 'status' )
0060 %      - queries the caching status
0061 %      - 0  : all off
0062 %      - 1  : all on
0063 %      - 0.5: off for some functions
0064 %
0065 %   eidors_cache( 'debug_on' )
0066 %   eidors_cache( 'debug_on', 'function_name' )
0067 %      - enables debug output
0068 %      - if specified, only applies to a specific function
0069 %      - will print a message everytime an object is removed from cache
0070 %
0071 %   eidors_cache( 'debug_off' )
0072 %   eidors_cache( 'debug_off', 'function_name' );
0073 %      - disables debug output
0074 %      - if specified, only applies to a specific function
0075 %
0076 %   eidors_cache( 'debug_status' )
0077 %      - queries debug status
0078 %      - output analogous to cache status above
0079 %
0080 %   v1 = eidors_cache( @function_handle, {param1, param2, ...})
0081 %   [v1, v2, ...] = eidors_cache( @function_handle, {param1, param2, ...})
0082 %   [v1, v2, ...] = eidors_cache( ... , opt)
0083 %      Shorthand interface for caching the output of a specific function.
0084 %      Specify all arguments to the function as a cell array. They will all
0085 %      be used for as a caching object by default. The following options
0086 %      are available:
0087 %        opt.cache_obj
0088 %            - a single value, or a cell array of values to cache on,
0089 %              rather than all the inputs (e.g. not all values of an input
0090 %              struct may be used in the function)
0091 %        opt.boost_priority
0092 %            - priority boost to use for that function
0093 %        opt.fstr
0094 %            - name to use for the cached result
0095 %        opt.log_level
0096 %            - message level to use with eidors_msg. By default, it's 4 for
0097 %              'setting cache' and 3 for 'using cached value'
0098 %
0099 %   eidors_cache( 'cache_path' )
0100 %   eidors_cache( 'cache_path', '/path/to/cache/path' )
0101 %       - get and set cache_path, a path to a writable
0102 %           directory in which eidors can store files
0103 %
0104 %   eidors_cache( 'eidors_path' )
0105 %   eidors_cache( 'eidors_path', '/path/to/eidors/' )
0106 %       - /path/to/eidors is the path in which eidors_startup.m is found
0107 %
0108 % See also EIDORS_OBJ
0110 % (C) 2005-2013 Andy Adler and Bartlomiej Grychtol.
0111 % License: GPL version 2
0112 % $Id: eidors_cache.m 5876 2018-12-21 18:22:33Z aadler $
0114 % Comments
0115 % Want to clear specific structures
0116 %      to clear old variables
0117 %      to clear specific parts of structures
0119 if nargin==1 && ischar(command) && strcmp(command,'UNIT_TEST');
0120       do_unit_test; return; end
0122 global eidors_objects;
0123 if nargin<1
0124    fprintf('EIDORS_CACHE: current max memory = %.0f MB\n', ...
0125          eidors_objects.max_cache_size/(1024*1024)); 
0126    ww= whos('eidors_objects');
0127    fprintf('EIDORS_CACHE: cache memory used = %.0f MB\n', ...
0128          ww.bytes/(1024*1024)); 
0129    fprintf('EIDORS_CACHE: current priority = %d\n', ...
0130          eidors_objects.cache_priority); 
0131    return;
0132 elseif nargin > 1 
0133    limit = varargin{1};
0134 end
0136 if isa(command, 'function_handle')
0137       str = func2str(command);
0138       if str(1) == '@'
0139          error('Cannot cache anonymous functions');
0140       end
0141 end
0143 if isa(command, 'function_handle') || (ischar(command) && exist(command) == 2) % an m-file
0144    output = mk_varargout_str(nargout);
0145    eval(sprintf('%s = %s', output, 'cache_shorthand(command, varargin{:});'));
0146    return
0147 end
0150 switch command
0151    case 'init'
0152       eidors_objects.cache_enable = 1;
0153       eidors_objects.cache_disabled_on = [];
0154       eidors_objects.cache_debug_enable = 0;
0155       eidors_objects.cache_debug_enabled_on = [];
0156       eidors_obj('cache_init');
0158    case 'clear_all'
0159       remove_objids
0161    case 'clear'
0162      switch nargin
0163        case 2
0164         eidors_cache('clear_name',limit);
0165        case 1
0166         eidors_cache('clear_all');
0167        otherwise
0168          error('Wrong number of inputs');
0169      end
0171    case 'cache_size'
0172       if nargin==2
0173       if ischar(limit); limit= str2num(limit); end
0174          eidors_objects.max_cache_size = limit;
0175       else
0176          varargout{1}= eidors_objects.max_cache_size;
0177       end
0179    case 'cache_path'
0180       if nargin == 1
0181          varargout{1}= eidors_objects.cache_path;
0182       else
0183          eidors_objects.cache_path = varargin{1};
0184       end
0186    case 'eidors_path'
0187       if nargin == 1
0188          varargout{1}= eidors_objects.eidors_path;
0189       else
0190          eidors_objects.eidors_path = varargin{1};
0191       end
0192    case {'disable' 'off'}
0193        if nargin == 1
0194            eidors_objects.cache_enable = 0;
0195            eidors_objects.cache_disabled_on = {};
0196        else
0197            eidors_objects.cache_enable = 0.5;
0198            if isfield(eidors_objects,'cache_disabled_on')
0199             if ~any(strcmp(eidors_objects.cache_disabled_on, limit))
0200                 eidors_objects.cache_disabled_on = [...
0201                     eidors_objects.cache_disabled_on; {limit}];
0202             end
0203            else
0204                eidors_objects.cache_disabled_on =  {limit};
0205            end
0206        end
0207    case {'enable' 'on'}
0208        if nargin == 1
0209            eidors_objects.cache_enable = 1;
0210            eidors_objects.cache_disabled_on = {};
0211        else
0212            if isfield(eidors_objects,'cache_disabled_on')
0213                idx = strcmp(eidors_objects.cache_disabled_on, limit);
0214                eidors_objects.cache_disabled_on(idx) = [];
0215            else 
0216                eidors_objects.cache_disabled_on = [];
0217            end
0218            if isempty(eidors_objects.cache_disabled_on)
0219                eidors_objects.cache_enable = 1;
0220            end
0221        end
0222    case 'status'
0223       if nargin == 1
0224          try
0225             varargout{1} = eidors_objects.cache_enable;
0226          catch
0227             varargout{1} = 1;
0228          end
0229       else
0230          if isfield(eidors_objects,'cache_disabled_on')
0231             idx = strcmp(eidors_objects.cache_disabled_on, limit);
0232             varargout{1} = double(~any(idx));
0233          end
0234       end
0235    case 'debug_status'
0236       if nargin == 1
0237          varargout{1} = eidors_objects.cache_debug_enable;
0238       else
0239          if isfield(eidors_objects,'cache_debug_enabled_on')
0240             idx = ismember(limit,eidors_objects.cache_debug_enabled_on);
0241             varargout{1} = idx | eidors_objects.cache_debug_enable==1;
0242          end
0243       end
0244    case 'debug_on'
0245        if nargin == 1
0246            eidors_objects.cache_debug_enable = 1;
0247            eidors_objects.cache_debug_enabled_on = {};
0248        else
0249            eidors_objects.cache_debug_enable = 0.5;
0250            if isfield(eidors_objects,'cache_debug_enabled_on')
0251             if ~any(strcmp(eidors_objects.cache_debug_enabled_on, limit))
0252                 eidors_objects.cache_debug_enabled_on = [...
0253                     eidors_objects.cache_debug_enabled_on; {limit}];
0254             end
0255            else
0256                eidors_objects.cache_debug_enabled_on =  {limit};
0257            end
0258        end
0259    case 'debug_off'
0260       if nargin == 1
0261          eidors_objects.cache_debug_enable = 0;
0262          eidors_objects.cache_debug_enabled_on = {};
0263       else
0264          if isfield(eidors_objects,'cache_debug_enabled_on')
0265             idx = strcmp(eidors_objects.cache_debug_enabled_on, limit);
0266             eidors_objects.cache_debug_enabled_on(idx) = [];
0267          else
0268             eidors_objects.cache_debug_enabled_on = [];
0269          end
0270          if isempty(eidors_objects.cache_debug_enabled_on)
0271             eidors_objects.cache_debug_enable = 0;
0272          end
0273       end
0274    case 'boost_priority'
0275       try
0276          varargout{1}= eidors_objects.cache_priority;
0277       catch
0278          varargout{1}= 0; % default priority
0279       end
0280       if nargin==2
0281       if ischar(limit); limit= str2double(limit); end
0282          varargout{1} = varargout{1} + limit;
0283       end
0284       eidors_objects.cache_priority = varargout{1};
0286    case {'list', 'show_objs'} 
0287       if nargin == 2 
0288          cache_list(limit);
0289       else
0290          cache_list;
0291       end
0294    case 'clear_max'
0295       if ischar(limit); limit= str2double(limit); end
0296       try
0297          c = eidors_objects.cache.cols;
0298       catch 
0299          return
0300       end
0302       priidx = get_cache_priority;
0303       [jnk, idx] = sort(priidx);
0304       tot=     cumsum([eidors_objects.cache.meta{idx,c.size}]); 
0305       rmidx  = idx(tot > limit);
0306       remove_objids( rmidx );
0308    case 'clear_old'
0309       if ischar(limit); limit= str2num(limit); end
0310       try
0311          c = eidors_objects.cache.cols;
0312       catch
0313          return
0314       end
0315       idx = find([eidors_objects.cache.meta{:,c.time}] < limit);
0316       remove_objids( idx );
0318    case 'clear_new'
0319       if ischar(limit); limit= str2num(limit); end
0320       try
0321          c = eidors_objects.cache.cols;
0322       catch
0323          return
0324       end
0325       idx = find([eidors_objects.cache.meta{:,c.time}] > limit);
0326       remove_objids( idx );
0328    case 'clear_model_library'
0329       %TODO: add ways to select what to delete
0330       delete([eidors_objects.model_cache,'/*.mat']);
0332    case 'clear_name'
0333       idx = clear_names_cache( limit );
0334       remove_objids( idx );
0336    case 'dump'
0337       varargout{1} = eidors_objects;
0339    case 'load'
0340       eidors_objects = limit;
0342    otherwise
0343       error('command %s not understood',command);
0344 end
0346 function cache_list (order)
0347    global eidors_objects;
0348    try
0349       meta = eidors_objects.cache.meta;
0350    catch
0351       return
0352    end
0353    if nargin == 0
0354        order = 'time';
0355    end
0357    c = eidors_objects.cache.cols;
0358    if isempty(meta)
0359       fprintf('No objects in cache\n');
0360       return
0361    end
0362    meta(:,c.time) = cellstr(datestr([meta{:,c.time}],'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS.FFF'));
0363    N = size(meta,2);
0364    %    [jnk, priidx] = sortrows(meta(:,[c.score_eff c.score_sz c.time]),[-1 2 -3]);
0366    meta(:,N+1) = num2cell(get_cache_priority);
0367    switch order
0368        case 'time'
0369            meta = mysortrows(meta,c.time); % sort by time
0370        case {'prop','name'}
0371            meta = mysortrows(meta,c.prop); % sort by name
0372        case 'rank'
0373            meta = mysortrows(meta,N+1); % sort by rank
0374        case 'size'
0375            meta = mysortrows(meta,-c.size); % sort by rank
0376        case 'effort'
0377            meta = mysortrows(meta,-c.effort);
0378        case 'count'
0379            meta = mysortrows(meta,-c.count);
0380        otherwise
0381            error('Unrecognized sort order');
0382    end
0384    meta = meta';
0385    fprintf('%s b=%9.0d [%4d]  p=%02d t=%3dx%.2e [%4d] i=%4d: %s { %s }\n', ...
0386       meta{[c.time,c.size,c.score_sz,c.prio,c.count,c.effort,c.score_eff,N+1,c.obj_id, c.prop],:});
0388 function priidx = get_cache_priority
0389    global eidors_objects;
0390    priidx = [];
0391    if isfield(eidors_objects.cache, 'meta') && isfield(eidors_objects.cache, 'cols')
0392       meta = eidors_objects.cache.meta;
0393       c = eidors_objects.cache.cols;
0394       [jnk, priidx] = mysortrows(meta,[-c.score_eff c.score_sz -c.time]);
0395       priidx(priidx) = 1:size(meta,1);
0396    end
0400 function objid = clear_names_cache( name )
0401    objid=[];
0402    global eidors_objects;
0403    try
0404       c = eidors_objects.cache.cols;
0405       objid = find(strcmp(name, eidors_objects.cache.meta(:,c.prop)));
0406    end
0409 function remove_objids(idx, names, sizes)
0410    global eidors_objects;
0411    try
0412    c = eidors_objects.cache.cols;
0413    catch
0414       eidors_obj('cache_init'); 
0415       return % nothing else to do
0416    end
0417    if nargin == 0
0418       idx = 1:size(eidors_objects.cache.meta,1);
0419    end
0420    if isempty(idx)
0421       return
0422    end
0423    switch eidors_cache('debug_status')
0424       case 1
0425          debug_msg(  eidors_objects.cache.meta(idx,c.obj_id), ...
0426                      eidors_objects.cache.meta(idx,c.prop), 'removed');
0427       case 0.5
0428          db = eidors_cache('debug_status', eidors_objects.cache.meta(idx,c.prop));
0429          debug_msg(  eidors_objects.cache.meta(idx(db),c.obj_id), ...
0430                      eidors_objects.cache.meta(idx(db),c.prop), 'removed');
0431    end
0432    total_size = sum(cell2mat(eidors_objects.cache.meta(idx,c.size)));   
0433    N = numel(idx);
0434    if numel(idx) == size(eidors_objects.cache.meta,1)
0435       eidors_objects = rmfield(eidors_objects,'cache');
0436       eidors_obj('cache_init');
0437    else
0438       eidors_objects.cache = rmfield(eidors_objects.cache, ...
0439          eidors_objects.cache.meta(idx,c.obj_id));
0440       eidors_objects.cache.meta(idx,:) = [];
0441       eidors_objects.cache.size = eidors_objects.cache.size - total_size;
0442    end
0444    eidors_msg('Removed %d objects with %d bytes from cache', ...
0445       N, total_size, 2 );
0448 function varargout = cache_shorthand(fhandle, varargin)
0449 % Will cache on all function inputs, unless opt.cache_obj is specified
0450    args = varargin{1};
0451    if ~iscell(args)
0452       args = {args};
0453    end
0455    if nargin>=2
0456       opt = varargin{2};
0457    else
0458       opt = struct;
0459    end
0460    if ischar(opt)
0461       fstr = opt; clear opt;
0462       opt.fstr = fstr;
0463    end
0464    if isfield(opt, 'cache_obj');
0465       cache_obj = opt.cache_obj;
0466       if ~iscell(cache_obj)
0467          cache_obj = {cache_obj};
0468       end
0469    else
0470       cache_obj = args;
0471    end
0472    try
0473       fstr = opt.fstr;
0474    catch
0475       fstr = func2str(fhandle);
0476    end
0477    if isfield(opt, 'log_level')
0478        level_in = opt.log_level;
0479        level_out = opt.log_level;
0480    else
0481        level_in = 4;
0482        level_out = 3;
0483    end
0485    varargout = eidors_obj('get-cache', cache_obj, fstr );
0486 keyboard
0487    if numel(varargout) < nargout
0488       eidors_msg('@@ (Re)calculating %s',fstr, level_in);
0489       output = mk_varargout_str(nargout);
0490       varargout = cell(0);
0491       t0 = tic;
0492       eval(sprintf('%s = %s', output, 'feval(fhandle,args{:});'));
0493       t = toc(t0);
0494       if isfield(opt,'boost_priority');
0495          eidors_cache('boost_priority',opt.boost_priority);
0496       end
0498       eidors_obj('set-cache', cache_obj, fstr, varargout, t);
0500       if isfield(opt,'boost_priority');
0501          eidors_cache('boost_priority',-opt.boost_priority);
0502       end
0503       return
0504    end
0505    eidors_msg('%s: Using cached value',fstr,level_out);
0507 function output = mk_varargout_str(N)
0508 output = '[';
0509 for i = 1:N
0510    output = [ output sprintf('varargout{%d} ',i)];
0511 end
0512 output = [ output ']' ];
0514 function debug_msg(id,name,action)
0515 global eidors_objects;
0516 if nargin < 3 
0517    action = name;
0518    name = fieldnames(eidors_objects.(id));
0519 end
0520 if isempty(id), return, end
0521 if ~iscell(name) name = {name}; end
0522 if ~iscell(id) id = {id}; end
0524 str = sprintf('EIDORS_CACHE: %s %%s { %%s }\\n', action);
0525 arr = [id, name]'; 
0527 fprintf(str, arr{:});
0528 % dbstack could be useful too
0530 function do_unit_test   
0531    ll= eidors_msg('log_level');
0532    eidors_msg('log_level',5);
0533    eidors_cache
0534    eidors_cache('clear_all');
0535    eidors_cache
0536    eidors_obj('set-cache', rand(1) , 't1', rand(2e3));
0537    eidors_obj('set-cache', rand(1) , 't2', rand(2e3));
0538    eidors_obj('set-cache', rand(1) , 't3', rand(2e3));
0539    eidors_cache
0540    eidors_cache list
0541    eidors_cache('clear_name','t3');
0542    eidors_cache
0543    eidors_cache list
0544    eidors_cache('clear_max', 34e6);
0545    eidors_cache
0546    eidors_cache('boost_priority', 1);
0547    eidors_cache
0548    eidors_cache('boost_priority', -1);
0549    eidors_cache
0550    [v1] = eidors_cache(@test_function,{3,4});
0551    [v2] = eidors_cache(@test_function,{3,4});
0552    unit_test_cmp('shorthand 1 param:',v1,v2);
0553    [v3 v4] = eidors_cache(@test_function,{3,4});
0554    unit_test_cmp('Expect Fail', v3, v4,-inf);
0555    [v5 v6 ] = eidors_cache(@test_function,{3,4});
0556    unit_test_cmp('shorthand 2 params:',v4, v6);
0557    [v5 v6 ] = eidors_cache(@test_function,{3,4, 5}); %this should re-calc
0558    opt.cache_obj = 5;
0559    [v5 v6 ] = eidors_cache(@test_function,{3,4, 5}, opt); %this should re-calc
0560    [v7 v8 ] = eidors_cache(@test_function,{1,2, 3}, opt); %this should NOT
0561    unit_test_cmp('shorthand cache_obj:',v6, v8);
0562    eidors_cache clear_all
0563    opt = struct;
0564    [v7 v8 ] = eidors_cache(@test_function,{1,2, 3}, opt); %this should NOT
0565    opt.boost_priority = 2;
0566    [v7 v8 ] = eidors_cache(@test_function,{3,4, 5}, opt); %this should NOT
0567    eidors_cache show_objs
0568    eidors_cache
0569    eidors_msg('log_level',ll);
0570    try
0571       eidors_cache(@(x) x^2, 3);
0572    catch
0573       eidors_msg('Error on anonymous function: correct',2);
0574    end
0575    test_debug
0576    test_priority
0577 function [v1 v2] = test_function(a,b,c,d)
0578    v1 = rand(1);
0579    v2 = rand(1);
0581 function [meta,idx] = mysortrows(meta, cols)
0582    if ~exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') % octave doesn't sort cells
0583       [meta,idx] = sortrows(meta, cols);
0584    else
0585       metm = cell2mat(meta(:,3:end));
0586       cols = ( abs(cols) - 2 ) .* sign(cols);
0587       [~,idx] = sortrows(metm, cols);
0588       meta = meta(idx,:);
0589    end
0592 function test_debug
0593    eidors_cache clear
0594    eidors_obj('set-cache',{5}, 'test1',50);
0595    eidors_obj('set-cache',{5}, 'test2',500);
0596    eidors_obj('set-cache',{10}, 'test1',100);
0597    eidors_cache show_objs
0598    eidors_cache debug_off
0599    eidors_cache debug_on test2
0600    eidors_cache clear_name test2
0601    eidors_cache show_objs
0602 %    eidors_obj('set-cache',{5}, 'test1',50);
0603    eidors_obj('set-cache',{5}, 'test2',500);
0604    eidors_cache debug_off
0605    eidors_cache debug_on test1
0606    eidors_cache clear_name test2
0607    eidors_cache('clear_max',0)
0608    eidors_cache('show_objs')
0609    eidors_cache debug_off
0612 function test_priority
0613    eidors_cache clear
0614    eidors_obj('set-cache',{1}, 'slow_small', zeros(10) ,10); pause(.1)
0615 %    eidors_cache list
0616 %    fprintf('\n');
0617    eidors_obj('set-cache',{1}, 'slow_new',   zeros(100),10); pause(.1)
0618 %    eidors_cache list
0619 %    fprintf('\n');
0620    eidors_obj('set-cache',{1}, 'slow_big1',  zeros(100),10); pause(.1)
0621 %    eidors_cache list
0622 %    fprintf('\n');
0623    eidors_obj('set-cache',{1}, 'slow_big2',  zeros(100),20); pause(.1)
0624 %    eidors_cache list
0625 %    fprintf('\n');
0626    eidors_obj('set-cache',{1}, 'fast_small', zeros(2)  , 1); pause(.1)
0627 %    eidors_cache list
0628 %    fprintf('\n');
0629    eidors_obj('set-cache',{1}, 'fast_big',   zeros(100), 1); pause(.1)
0630 %    eidors_cache list
0631 %    fprintf('\n');
0632    eidors_obj('get-cache',{1}, 'slow_new'); 
0634    eidors_cache list
0637 %    obj= eidors_obj('get-cache',{5}, 'test1');

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