

function[elec,sels] = ng_tank_select_elec(srf,vtx,fc,mshaxs);


function[elec,sels] = ng_tank_select_elec(srf,vtx,fc,mshaxs);


function[elec,sels] = ng_tank_select_elec(srf,vtx,fc,mshaxs);

 This function takes the wire frame model and the face
 data and sequentially requests if each face is an
 electrode or earth. From this the indices matrices (sels & sgnd)
 are concatenated so as to map all the selected electrodes and 
 grounded planes into the srf matrix. In addition the cell array
 (elsrf) is created containing the electrode surfaces and ground
 plane indices matrices which map directly into vtx.

 Version 5.0
 B.D.Grieve - 13/02/2002 + modyfication by lmazurk
 WRBL added default as prevous choice 20/1/2004
 WRBL deleted ground plane 05/12/2005

 srf      = The boundary surfaces
 vtx      = The vertices matrix
 fc       = A one column matrix containing the face numbers
 mshaxs   = Axes details for plotting wire frame
 elsrf    = Cell array of indices matrices mapping into vtx each electrode face
 sels     = The indices into the srf matrix of the selected electrode faces
 elec  = The EIDORS-3D electrode matrix of dimensions NxM, where 
            where N: no. of electrodes, M: 3 * max no. of faces per electrode


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function[elec,sels] = ng_tank_select_elec(srf,vtx,fc,mshaxs);
0002 %function[elec,sels] = ng_tank_select_elec(srf,vtx,fc,mshaxs);
0003 %
0004 % This function takes the wire frame model and the face
0005 % data and sequentially requests if each face is an
0006 % electrode or earth. From this the indices matrices (sels & sgnd)
0007 % are concatenated so as to map all the selected electrodes and
0008 % grounded planes into the srf matrix. In addition the cell array
0009 % (elsrf) is created containing the electrode surfaces and ground
0010 % plane indices matrices which map directly into vtx.
0011 %
0012 % Version 5.0
0013 % B.D.Grieve - 13/02/2002 + modyfication by lmazurk
0014 % WRBL added default as prevous choice 20/1/2004
0015 % WRBL deleted ground plane 05/12/2005
0016 %
0017 % srf      = The boundary surfaces
0018 % vtx      = The vertices matrix
0019 % fc       = A one column matrix containing the face numbers
0020 % mshaxs   = Axes details for plotting wire frame
0021 % elsrf    = Cell array of indices matrices mapping into vtx each electrode face
0022 % sels     = The indices into the srf matrix of the selected electrode faces
0023 % elec  = The EIDORS-3D electrode matrix of dimensions NxM, where
0024 %            where N: no. of electrodes, M: 3 * max no. of faces per electrode
0025 %
0028 sels = [];
0031 figure
0032 set(gcf,'Name','Object Faces','Colormap',[0 0 0])
0033 elfc_prev = 'N';
0034 max(fc)
0036 for loop1 = 1:max(fc)
0037     % Create a logical array (lgelfc) to determine which faces are electrodes
0038     lgelfc(loop1) = logical(0);
0040     [fcsrf,fci] = ng_extract_face(srf,vtx,fc,loop1);
0041     if ~isempty(fcsrf)
0042         % Add this face's vtx indices matrix to the cell array ttlfcsrf
0043         ttlfcsrf(loop1) = {fcsrf};
0044         % Plot this face
0045         trimesh(fcsrf,vtx(:,1),vtx(:,2),vtx(:,3))
0046         title(['Face number: ' num2str(loop1) ' of ' num2str(max(fc))])
0047         axis equal
0048         axis(mshaxs)
0049         view(45,10)
0050     qstr =sprintf('Is this face an electrode? Y/N [%s] ',elfc_prev);
0051         elfc = input(qstr,'s');
0052     if isempty(elfc)
0053        elfc = elfc_prev;
0054     else
0055        elfc_prev=elfc;
0056     end
0057         if  (elfc=='y' | elfc=='Y')
0058             lgelfc(loop1) = logical(1);
0059             sels = [sels; fci]; % Concatenate indices into sels for this face
0060         end
0061     end
0062 end
0065 % Extract from the total face indices matrix (ttlfcsrf) the
0066 % faces which are electrodes and store them in the cell
0067 % array (elsrf)
0068 elsrf = ttlfcsrf(lgelfc);
0070 close(gcf)
0071 % Display each electrode in turn as a wire mesh
0072 figure
0073 set(gcf,'Name','Wire Mesh Electrode Faces')
0074 for loop1 = 1:size(elsrf,2)-1
0075     trimesh(elsrf{loop1},vtx(:,1),vtx(:,2),vtx(:,3),'EdgeColor','red')
0076     title(['Electrode ' num2str(loop1) ': red'])
0077     axis equal
0078     axis(mshaxs)
0079     view(45,10)
0080     hidden off
0081     hold on
0082     pause(0.75)
0083 end
0084 title('Electrodes: red,')
0085 hidden off
0086 pause(2)
0088 % Convert elsrf into the EIDORS-3D matrix electrode matrix format
0090 nmel = size(elsrf,2);
0091 for loop1 = 1:nmel
0092     nmfc(loop1) = size(elsrf{loop1},1);
0093 end
0094 % Initiate electrode matrix (elec) & pad with zeros
0095 elec = zeros(nmel,3*max(nmfc));
0096 % Put electrode surface information into elec
0097 for loop1 = 1:nmel
0098     for loop2 = 1:size(elsrf{loop1},1)
0099         elec(loop1,loop2*3-2:loop2*3)=elsrf{loop1}(loop2,:);
0100     end
0101 end

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