Carleton University
Department of Systems and Computer Engineering

SYSC 3600 Systems and Simulation

Fall 2014

Instructor: Dr. Ramy Gohary, Room ME4474,
Lectures: Wednesday/Friday 2:30 pm-4:00 pm 2000MC; Office Hours: Tuesday/Thursday 1:30--3:00pm
Labs: 4233 ME (not 4322 ME)
L2 Monday 2:30-5:30
L4 Tuesday 11:30-2:30
L6 Tuesday 2:30-5:30
L5 Wednesday 8:30-11:30
L3 Thursday 2:30-5:30
L1 Friday 8:30-11:30

Course Outline

Notes: Slides are for guidance only. Proofs and derivations will be done on the board. Students are responsible for material delivered in class.

Lecture 2 (pdf)

Announcement 1: Homework #1 will be posted on Friday September 12. TAs will be available in the Lab as of next Monday September 15. .

Homework 1 (pdf)

Announcement 2: First in-class quiz will be held at the end of Friday class, September 19. .

Announcement 3: First lab experiment (Lab 0) will take place on September 22.
Lab 0 (pdf)

Clarification about Labs: Lab sessions are two categories: 1- Sessions for help with the homework problems: Optional, but recommended. (You don't lose marks if you don't show up.) It is better to email your TA beforehand. We will have many of these. 2- Sessions for performing MATLAB experiments: Mandatory. (You lose marks if you don't show up.) We only have four of these.

A list of available TAs

Mohammadreza Ataei

Seyed Mohammad Ebrahim

Yoones Hashemi





Announcement 4: Midterm exam has been scheduled from 6:00 pm to 8:00 om on Friday October 17. Exam location will be posted well beforehand

Lecture 3 (pdf)

Announcement 5: Second in-class quiz will be held at the end of Friday class, October 03.

Homework 2 (pdf)

Announcement 6: A volunteer note taker is required for the course. If interested, please contact PMC for details.

Homework 3 (pdf)

Lecture 3b (pdf)

Homework 4 (pdf)

Homework 4 (ps)

The midterm exam will take place at 6:00-8:00 pm on October 17, 2014. The number of TAs available for proctoring the exam is limited and we will have to stick to a strict set of rules.

When you enter your examination room:

1- Make sure that you leave your belongings and knapsacks at the front of the room.

2- Make sure you have your student ID card, and be prepared to show it to the invigilator upon request.

3- Refrain from talking to other students IMMEDIATELY upon entering your examination room.

4- Refrain from any activity that can be deemed by the invigilator as being suspicious.

5- Our ability to manage washroom breaks is very limited, and we will not be able to accommodate such requests unless it is an emergency.

6- The examination is closed book and you are allowed one double-sided cheat sheet.

7- Stick to your assigned rooms according to the schedule below. The available rooms can only accommodate the allocated students. Students who do not follow the room assignment schedule will have to be sent to their assigned rooms. This would incur a significant loss of time, and should be avoided.

8- Students that require special accommodations, please contact the PMC for proper arrangements.

9- The following is the room assignment schedule:

a- Canal Building Room 2104: Student Numbers from 100287948 to 100853397

b- Canal Building Room 2202: Student Numbers from 100854113 to 100881975

c- Canal Building Room 3101: Student Numbers from 100882059 to 100889700

d- University Centre Room 376: Student Numbers from 100889873 to 100902978

e- University Centre Room 378: Student Numbers from 100903272 to 100955963

Please prepare properly and pay attention to details, and good luck!

What are we doing with mathematical modelling and Laplace transform?! --- I received this question from a number of students, and I provided a partial response in the previous class when I talked about India managing to put a satellite in orbit around Mars on the first attempt. Today, I had a chat with my former PhD supervisor at McMaster University, Professor Tim Davidson, and he provided me with the following link: More than just a video. I hope this helps you to appreciate what mathematical modelling is good for.

Lab report submission Please make sure you submit your lab report to one of the TAs that supervised your lab. The report is maximum of 2 pages and it is 1 report for each pair of students and is due within 48 hours of your lab session. You may need to email your TA to arrange for report submission.

Solutions of Homework 2 (pdf)

Announcement 6: Third in-class quiz will be held at the end of Friday class, October 10. The quiz will cover Homeworks 3 and 4.

Homework 5 (pdf)

Your TAs' schedule is here. Use this information to contact your TA for submitting your report.

Solutions of Homework 3 (pdf)

Solutions of Homework 4 (pdf)

Solutions of Homework 5 (pdf)

Note: Solutions are meant for guidance only.

Lecture 4 (pdf)

Electric Motor


Homework 6 (pdf)

Announcement 7: Fourth in-class quiz will be held at the end of Friday class, November 07. The quiz will cover Homework 6.

Students who need special accommodations: Unfortunately, the PMC examination centre is unable to accommodate the request of students who need special arrangements to write the Friday Novemebr 07 quiz. If you are unable to write your quiz in class on that day, please come to see me after class to discuss alternatives. Thanks! Ramy

Midterm (pdf)

Homework 7 (pdf)

Homework 8 (pdf)

Lecture 5 (pdf)---Updated

Announcement 8: Fifth in-class quiz will be held at the end of Friday class, November 21. The quiz will cover Homeworks 7 and 8.

Announcement 9: Last in-class quiz will be held at the end of WEDNSEDAY class, December 03. The quiz will cover Homework 9.

Homework 9 (pdf)

Lecture 6 (pdf)

Solutions of Homework 7 (pdf)

Solutions of Homework 8 (pdf)

Homework 10 (pdf)

Solutions of Homework 9 (pdf)

Solutions of Homework 10 (pdf)