Department of Systems and
Computer Engineering
Roger Impey

Network Computing
Winter 2000

Project schedule
Submitted material
Project title proposal
20 January
Email: One paragraph with the title, names of group members and group leader. 
Project proposal
27 January
Email: One paragraph describing the application.
Functional design
10 February
Email attachment: preferably MS Word; otherwise regular text
Detailed design
29 February
Email attachment: preferably MS Word; otherwise regular text
21 March - 
4 April
Slides (overhead or online)

Tested application 

Final paper

11 April
(by 5pm)
Floppy disc: code, test cases, results and a soft copy of the final paper (MS Word) 

Printout: Final paper. Conference quality. 6 -10 pages (~5000 words), Times 10 Font, double column. Paper includes: an abstract, keywords, introduction, relation to other work, the main body of work, conclusions with contribution made, thoughts about any future work, references. 

Here is an MS Word template.

This page is maintained by Roger Impey. Please send any comments to Mail
This page was created by Andrzej Bieszczad.