PEASE NOTE : This code was developed in 2001 FOR ns-2.1b8a. I have not tried it with later versions of ns but some researchers told me they got it to work with ver. 2.27. I will not be able to answer questions about compilation errors in these recent versions. ================================================ The code generates frames every 1/30 sec. You can change that in the code and recompile. You need to get, put it where you have the .cc files for ns, include it in the make file and recompile. You also need the 6 statistics files (below) for the TES model. Download the files and put them in a directory called "video_model" where you RUN YOUR TCL SCRIPTS. Then, - in tcl/lib/ns-default.tcl put Application/Traffic/MPEG4 set rateFactor_ 1 Application/Traffic/MPEG4 set initialSeed_ 0.5 and then you can change them later in your TCL script - rateFactor is how much you want to scale up (or down) you video input while preseving the same sample path and autocorrelation function for the frame size distribution -intialSeed is used to start generating the first frame in the model - Three models are developed, one for each frame type (I,P, and B). For each of them, two file are needed to be provided to this code. Example: I_File_1 = "./video_model/Imodel_hist_1"; I_File_2 = "./video_model/Imodel_inv_1"; P_File_1 = "./video_model/Pmodel_hist_1"; P_File_2 = "./video_model/Pmodel_inv_1"; B_File_1 = "./video_model/Bmodel_hist_1"; B_File_2 = "./video_model/Bmodel_inv_1"; *hist_* is the histogram for this frame type *inv_* is the CDF for the innovation function of this frame type. Refer to literature on TES for more explanation. B. Melamed, "An Overview of TES Processes and Modeling Methodology", in Performance Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems, 1993 B. Melamed et al., "TES-Based Modeling for Performance Evaluation of Integrated Networks", in Proc. of INFOCOM 1992 D. Reininger et al., "Variable Bit Rate MPEG video: Characterstics, Modeling and Multiplexing", in Proc. of ITC 1994 A. Matrawy, I. Lambadaris and C. Huang, "MPEG4 Traffic Modeling using The Transform Expand Sample Methodology", in Proc. of 4th IEEE International Workshop on Networked Appliances, January 2002